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𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐃 is staining the carpet as he attempts to run, but fails as his face almost meets the floor as he slips. he limps the rest of the way to the bathroom.

my eyes drift to see adam pulling juliette into james room, leaving me alone. faint mutters from the couple is what i can hear coming from the door.

kenji decides to make it so i can only hear his voice.

"romeo, i know you're out there! can you get more toilet paper, or tissues. just get me something. please!"

kenji's yelling, his voice sounding high pitched, probably by his hand covering his nose. i start to look around the living room, trying to find anything to stop the bleeding.

i move my search to the kitchen since the living room had nothing that would help.

"romeo? look-i know we didn't have the best first introduction, but without all the bruises and the bullet i would look way bette-" he gets cut off by the sound of a cabinet slamming into something.

"shit, my toe-"

opening one of the bottom drawers, i find a yellow towel. the only thing i can hear as i walking up to the bathroom door is kenji thinking i left the house. "is anyone there? adam? psycho chick? romeo?"

i walk up to the bathroom to see the door being pounded on. he must have thing for pounding on doors.

"look i know your emotions are high since you've been at work adam, but can it wai-" i open the door to met kenjis eyes.

he's right in my face, holding his nose. with a curve since the blood is making a small puddle on his hand. his other hand is up in the air but is immediately put down as he sees me, and then the towel in my hand. "you're an angel, you know that?" he grins.

handing the towel to him, i quickly start to turn my back and make my way out of the bathroom until i'm held back by his grasp on my arm.

i shake off his hand with a glare. "what else could you possibly want?"

"let's get to know each other more doll, what's your favorite movie?"he talks a lot; he might even beat james.

"the one called 'leave me alone and find better ways to flirt with people.'" i slam the door in his face before he finds the will to keep talking to me.

i've never been one to talk, even when my parents were still present in my life. ever since ingrid and james came into the picture, they've helped me have a some sort of 'social life'.

ingrid tells me often me reading won't help my cause of being quiet, but i still try to persuade her so she doesn't make me talk to the other vendors on the street.

plus, adams never here because of work, so i don't find the mean to reach out or call him like james does. i only do when james mentions to adam i'm with him when looking after him.

more on adam, we have never gotten along that well. he always has an attitude with someone or something, i surprised he hasn't gotten kicked out from the military earlier. i feel bad for 'warner', his boss or something, to deal with him everyday.

"romeo?" kenjis now infront of me, waving his hand in front of my face. "are you dreaming about be? it seems a bit early to be doing that."

"please you wish, i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." his grin wiped off his face as his head tilts downward; putting his hand to his chest, "that hurt romeo, straight to the heart."

"my names rome, not romeo."

"well, i would like to think we are star crossed lovers, hm? romeo and juliet. just without our never ending love ending in tragedy."

Let the Sun Be Seen;  Kenji KishimotoWhere stories live. Discover now