Chapter 30: Teenagers Aren't Monsters

Start from the beginning

Dean was smirking, knowing you were agreeing with him, and he and Sam were now both nodding their heads in unison.

"I understand... But I need to know that Claire is safe. That's why I called..." Cass now turned directly to you, ignoring Sam and Dean as they continued to stare at him in disbelief. "I was hoping when we found her, you'd be able to talk to her. She's not doing too good, and well, you were a teenage girl once... Maybe you can get through to her better than I can..."

You raised both of your hands up to your nose, encompassing it like a triangle and pulled your fingers down to your lips, pressing down on the skin you found there. Now you knew why you were here.

It took a few moments to consider what he was asking you before you replied. "Well, yeah... I was... But she won't want to listen to me either I'm sure... She doesn't know me, and I'm technically working with you... Plus, we're from two different worlds, she's grown up here and I..."

"Grew up riding kangaroos and fucking spiders." Dean finished your sentence for you before you could finish it yourself. It was obviously not what you were going to say and you pretended to whack him over the head as he laughed at you. At least his mood had picked up.

Sam had been silent for most of the conversation and he seemed to finally have a better suggestion than hanging around in the parking lot. "All right. Um... Why don't we go ask around at the group home? See if anyone there knows where she might've gone..."

"Suit yourself... But someone also needs to stay here in case she circles back." Dean was now pointing back to the restaurant behind you all.

"I doubt she will... " You spoke aloud, considering it had been hours since Claire had left Cass. No doubt she wasn't coming back anytime soon. But Dean just brushed you off on that point.

It was decided that Dean and Cass would wait at Sharkey's, while you and Sam went to talk to the people at the group home. And you were excited to do so.

Looking for Claire and playing FBI agents to find her was now your sixth case, if you could call it that, ever since the shapeshifter incident at New Canaan. In between then and now, you had also helped the boys with Rowena and the prostitutes in Missouri, the mobile device using ghost in Iowa, another ghost in Indiana, and a ghoul in Nebraska. You were yet to fire your gun on a moving target, and you were happy to keep it that way.

It was the first time you were going to team up with Sam on a case. Usually, you played tag along with Dean, him having always been more in charge of your care than Sam. You knew deep down it was because he had been the one to find you and therefore felt more protective over you. Your feelings however, hoped it wasn't just because he thought of you as another sibling like Sam and more that he potentially thought of you as a romantic partner.

Having never witnessed Sam acting as an agent before, you were curious to see how he handled it when compared to his brother. There was no doubt in your mind, knowing his personality, that he'd be better at talking to victims and witnesses and you were right. The man had a gift, and together you discovered a number of locations where Claire frequently hung out at.

In particular, Claire's social worker had told you that she had a friend, Dustin, who worked at a local hot dog joint. She was certain he would more than likely know where Claire had gone than she did herself. And so doubling back to Sharkey's where Dean and Cass waited, the four of you continued together on the search for Claire. Eventually leading you to a convenience store across the road from the hot dog restaurant.


It was now evening and the four of you waited in Baby, from across the street of the Gas n' Sip. Hoping that Claire would show up as Dustin had said she would. Dean and Sam were in their usual positions in the front, while you sat behind Dean and Cass behind Sam.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now