Chapter 05: What's The Time Mr. Wolf

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"So we're going to a church service" You asked Dean as the two of you walked around to the back of Baby.

"Yup" Dean replied as he opened the trunk.

"And these people, are werewolves?" The sarcasm was clear in your voice.

"Yup" Answered Dean again. "Just stick close to me and you'll be fine..." he was very serious today. He stood tall, his stance tense and ready for action. While it was new to you, to see him this way, it seemed just as much a part of him as the casual version of himself you'd come to know.

The two of you had just pulled up in Baby, Dean's beloved Impala, at Garth's in-laws home. After the hospital fiasco the day before. Dean and his brother Sam had reluctantly worked together to find their friend who had jumped out the bathroom window. And after an altercation at Garth's apartment, Dean had reluctantly agreed to meet his family. As you were currently in his care, that meant you too.

"Okaaaaay" you trailed off as Dean then opened a secret compartment to the boot of the car and raised it up into position, holding it there with what you assumed was a shot gun. That wasn't the only gun Dean kept in his car....

There were all sorts of gadgets hidden in there. A couple of shovels, more guns, knives of all different shapes and sizes, tiny little metal objects that you assumed were bullets, more guns, various forms of ID and thin metal blades that surely weren't ninja stars?

Yup. Fucking mental. And you were going to walk into a strange house with him.

"Yeah... you don't need to worry about any of this stuff." Dean looked at you as you stood there speechless. "Do you still have the pocket knife I gave you?" He was referring to the small blade he'd given you a few days earlier. "It's made of silver. It'll hurt em if they try anything on you."

Yeah right, you thought. But you checked your purse to make sure it was still there. You might need to use it against Dean, or Garth.

Dean grabbed a smallish knife for himself and then shut the boot back up. The two of you then walked up the pathway and onto the porch of the two storey house, the sound of people singing church hymns floating in the air around you.

The front door opened almost immediately after Dean knocked on it. A women in her fifties, far shorter than the both of you stood on the inside. "You must be Dean?" She asked Dean with a hint of happiness in her tone before addressing you in the same manner. "I'm Joy. Garth's mother-in-law."

Joy smiled at you kindly and you reflected her smile back. She may as well have been the kindest person you'd ever met when you considered your ordeal so far in the US. Dean had technically been kind to you too, but he lacked the warmth Joy embodied. Joy was clearly a mother figure and you yearned to see your own mum again soon.

Dean was not smiles. "Why don't you just tell Garth we're here."

Looking him squarely in the eye, the warm smile still on her face, Joy calmly spoke back. "Dean. You have my word." Joy looked back to you. "You are both safe under my roof. I only ask the same in return." She paused. "After all, I'm not the one carrying silver."

How could she possibly know about the silver knives you both carried?

Dean thought for a moment, glanced over at you, standing to his left and then edged closer to the door. He reached his hand around your right arm, pulling you close to his side, turning his head away from Joy and looking back towards the Impala parked out the front. "Stay close to me. And don't leave my side."


On the inside, the house was dimly lit. It kind of creeped you out a little. The rooms weren't bright and open like homes you were familiar with back in Australia. Garth was sitting at the upright piano, facing away from you and Dean standing by the doorframe, playing the main melody of the hymn the others in the room were singing to. There were twelve others in the room with you, including Dean, Garth and Joy.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now