Chapter 85- Crash My Playa-Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Please let them be here," I said to myself as the doors opened to the fourth floor.

I got off and started walking down the hallway in the direction that they went earlier in the day. I had no idea what I was doing or even if I was safe. I had no way to call Luke or let him know I was okay. I wondered aimlessly down the hallway praying I would see someone I knew. The more I wandered the more I got scared. I had no phone, no key to get back to the suite level, no nothing. My only option was to go back down to the lobby and ask for someone to call the room or escort me back to the suite. I walked back to the elevator and pushed the button and waited for the elevator to get to the fourth floor. As the elevator opened Kelsy came out.

"Oh my God! I need to use your phone," I shouted, "I don't have time to explain. I'll pay for the charges."

"Okay. Let me get to my room," Kelsy said as we ran down the hallway to room 458.

"Thank you so much," I said as I ran in and grabbed the phone off the nightstand immediately dialing Luke's cell phone number.

"Hello?" Kerri said curiously answering Luke's phone.

"Where's Luke?" I asked.

"He went to find you," Kerri told me.

"I'm in Kelsy's room. 458. Take a right when you come out of the elevator. Bring me a pair of shorts. Just you," I told her.

"I'm on my way," Kerri said before I disconnected the call.

"What's going on?" Kelsy asked me as I started pacing back and forth.

"I don't know exactly. There was some kind of threat made on my life. I went all brave and left to find all of you so you can be cleared from the suspect list and left the security detail. Luke's left to go find me. I'm having a nervous breakdown," I panicked.

"Calm down. You'll be okay," Kelsy assured me.

"How can you be sure?" I questioned her.

"Honestly, I can't. I just have faith," Kelsy said as there was a knock on the door.

"You know who Kerri is right?" I asked in a worried voice.

"Of course I do," Kelsy said as she looked through the peep hole, "It's her."

"Where's Bridget?" Kerri asked as she walked right into the room.

"I'm right here," I said as a sense of calm washed over me.

"Here's you some shorts," Kerri said as she handed me the shorts, "You've got to call Mark to get ahold of Luke. He panicked when you left without any security."

"You have your phone?" I asked her as I held out my hand.

"No, but I have yours," Kerri said as she placed my phone in my hand.

I dialed Mark's number, but he didn't answer so I called Jamie.

"Hello?" Jamie said curiously.

"Jamie, where's Luke? I need to talk to Luke," I told him.

"Hold on," Jamie said.

"Bridget, baby? Where are you?" Luke questioned.

"I'm with Kelsy," I told him, "I'm okay. Kerri's here too."

"Where are you? I'm coming to get you," Luke said in a worried tone.

"Room 458," I told him, "Luke, I'm scared."

"I'll be right there. I'm on my way. I'm getting in the elevator now," Luke said.

"I love you," I told him before the call disconnected, "Luke? Luke? Luke?"

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