"Yeah, if it wasn't for my phone I'd probably be sleeping already." She retorted, rolling her eyes. 

Mrs. Burns held out her hands, clearly irritated with Ginger's comment. "Hand it over." She demanded. Ginger shook her head. "Hand it over and you can get it back at the end of the day, or else you can stay after school for detention." She dropped the dime on her, causing a scowl to make its way on Ginger's face, as she handed Mrs. Burns her phone. 

"I swear she has it out for me." Ginger went on as we exited the classroom, all the way to lunch. "I mean who does she think she is?" 

"Uh. The teacher." I chuckled, knowing very well that before the phone incident Mrs. Burns was one of Ginger's all-time favorite teachers at the North County High School. 

All throughout lunch she was fidgeting with anything that she could get her hands on. I knew it was because of the lack of device that was usually in the palm of her hands. She hadn't gone without talking to Matteo for more than a couple hours these past few weeks. 

"You'll get it back at the end of the day." I assured, but it didn't seem to ease her. 

It wasn't until the last class of the day when she finally stopped pouting. We were in art class when a knock at the door sounded, answered by our teacher, Ms. Cabot. The graceful long haired Native American teacher offered a friendly smile as she was handed a bouquet of flowers, setting it down in front of Ginger. 

"Looks, like you have an admirer Miss. Guyette." She said, returning to her demonstration at the front of the room. 

I already had a good idea whom it was from, but still found myself leaning over her shoulder, curious as to what the note said. 

"I saw these while walking in town today. They reminded me of you. The only exception is that they're not even half as beautiful as you, and might I say you look very beautiful today, Ma chérie ."

- Avec amour, Matteo 

The bouquet was full of variants of orange and purple flowers, bejeweled with dark green, almost black artificial leaves to add to the decadent arrangement. 

Ginger's eyes lit up as they wandered to the door where the gift had come through. To both of our surprise, a familiar face was next to the door, looking into the classroom from the large glass side windows. Through the glass we saw Matteo's smiling face waving towards us, well towards Ginger. 

A quick gasp was sounded from beside me, and she looked over to me, as if in confirmation that I was seeing the same thing. 

"What is he doing here?" She whispered, but obviously excited to see him again. 

"Well, obviously he's here to see you." I said, rolling my eyes. 

In my subconscious I wondered where Noah was. If Matteo was here did that mean Noah was close? The possibility of seeing him again both excited me and sent a shiver of nervousness down my spine. 

My heart nearly jumped in my throat when I saw the back of a tall I dark figure lingering next to Matteo. I didn't see his face, but I knew it was him. His black slicked back hair was ascue, the tattoos that decorated his body peaked from beneath his black long-sleeved shirt. His back remained facing me through the glass during the remainder of the class. 

It should have just ended there, no matter our attempts to remain focused and get back to working on our art projects, we couldn't. How could we when the two men that we had been fantasizing about for weeks were just outside the door?

A love To Die ForOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora