Chapter 10

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We got back to Lowell a lot sooner than we expected, but that could be due to the lack of construction, or more than likely the fact that we only made one pit stop. We walked into the cafe, only grabbing two coffees. For once, neither one of us had food on the brain. 

All too soon we were pulling up in front of the familiar two-story house, I wished that we had left Gilford much later than we had. But I knew that I was to blame. 

Subconsciously, I knew that there was plenty of time for us to head back, hell the drive was only a few hours. So why did I insist on leaving when I did? I wanted nothing more than to stay where we were for as long as possible, with the most glorious man that I had ever met. That want, that desire, it terrified me. So, while my brain was still functioning, I got away before I changed my mind, before I did anything reckless. 

We got out of the car, Ginger hopping into the driver's seat. "Are you okay to drive home?" I asked her, as her face remained solemn. 

"No. I mean yes. I mean, I'll be able to drive home I just..." I embraced her in a hug before she got into the driver's seat of the car. 

"Do you think that we'll see them again?" She asked. I sure hoped so, but I didn't want to lie to her, to myself. The silence was answer enough for her, and she responded by nodding her head in understanding, looking down in attempts to mask her sadness, before getting in her car. "That's what I figured." She said, before starting the car again, and slowly taking off. 

I walked toward the house, noticing only one car in the parking lot, the garage door open. Each step felt heavier than the last as I made my way to the front doors. 

Everything was eerily quiet as I entered. Not a sound of the usual arguing that flooded the room. My father and Veronica nowhere in sight. 

I shrugged my shoulders, going over to the counter, grabbing a much-needed glass of water. I turned already gulping it down, only to drop the cup I was holding in my hand. Carson was in the corner of the kitchen, leaning against the cabinet, startling me. 

"Where have you been?" He asked, in his usually snarky tone. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with him with everything else that already happened. 

"None of your business." I replied, grabbing a towel from the sink to clean up the spilled water. I went to move the towel, but he was already stepping on it. 

I got up, annoyed and angry as I stood up to him, something that I haven't been able to do in a very long time. 

"What were you hooking up with some loser?" He mocked. 

"No." I snapped, confused to why that thought would even cross his mind. 

"Then where were you?" He asked again. 

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