Chapter 6

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***Noah Christiansen***

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***Noah Christiansen***


When the last ray of sun fell from the sky and the moon began to peak out beneath the clouds, we began making our way to the pit in front of the large stage, people beginning to crowd about as the two openers played their set.

The smell of fair food wafted through the cool night air, lampposts and glowsticks lit up the entirety of the park, while the large crowd that kept multiplying brought on an abundance of blaring noise. 

From a great distance we pushed ourselves through to the front of the stage, where only a few others stood, when a large bulky security guard stopped us, putting his arm in front of us before we could go any further. I looked to Ginger, unsure of what to do in this situation. 

"Matteo told us that we could go to the front of the stage." She told him. 

The security guard smirked, clearly not believing us. "Yeah. Okay. And you're probably the hundredth person today that used that line. Now, go on, back up." She frowned at the answer but pushed it no further as we turned to go back to where we were before. 

"Hey, Ginger. Iris." Matteo's thick accent sounded from behind us, turning us back around. It looked like he had just come from backstage, somehow hearing our conversation. By the way he was looking at Ginger I suspected that he had been on the lookout for her before we arrived. 

He leaned down, whispering something unintelligible in the man's ear. In no time the smug smirk was wiped off of the man's face, replaced by something resembling...fear? Matteo leaned away after a moment, and the man visibly gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Matteo smiled, waving a goodbye, followed with an, "Enjoy the show," before once again retreating behind the curtain. 

"My-my apologies for the confusion ladies. En-enjoy the show." The security guard said, before allowing us to pass. 

As we were waiting for the show to begin, a large crowd of people flooding in behind us, we noticed security being added to various parts of the venue, especially in front of us surrounding the stage. I hoped that it was just due to the large crowd of rowdy New Englanders, but my paranoia got the better of me, my mind travelling to the worst-case scenario. It was then that from a few feet away, at the very front of the stage did the security guard from before whisper something into another one's ear. The news, whatever it was travelled down the line of men all stationed around the stage. 

"What do you think that's about?" I asked Ginger, as this didn't go unnoticed by either of us. 

"I'm not sure. Maybe something happened? I'm sure it's fine." She reasoned, but still I was weary. With today's society, involving so many threats of bombs and protests at the most innocent events, I found myself a little on edge. My anxiety was only soothed by Ginger's ramblings, and the unsuspecting crowd. 

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