Chapter 3:Hanguang-Jun's Defiance

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Lonely Like A Bunny 1


Chapter 3: Hanguang-Jun's Defiance

Wuxian and Wangji had both been summoned to the Elegant Room to explain what had occurred. They each had gone to their rooms to change and rest for a bit before they presented themselves before the Lan Clan leader and elders as well as Wei Ying's family and a few disciples from the Lan Clan.

Once they arrived, they learned that they had been missing for about two days; apparently they had disappeared without a trace and even though Wangji's brother and uncle conducted an exhaustive search throughout the whole Cloud Recesses no one had been able to find them until a few hours when the Lan disciples spotted them by coincidence.

This knowledge had been a bit of a shock to both boys because for them it had felt like no more than a few hours, but that clearly explained why everyone had been so on edge once they found them and why Jiang Yianly was extremely worried and kept on asking Wei Ying if he was alright, he had been asked that question at least ten times in the past hour and his sister kept inspecting up and down, trying to verify if he was truly alright and making sure there were no injuries on him, refusing to let him out of her sight from the moment they emerged out of the cave.

Wuxian had gently answered her question and soothed her worries with a kind smile, allowing himself to be pampered by his sister.

"Where exactly have the two of you been for the past few days?" Lan Qiren asked inquisitively, taking turns to look at each of the boys that stood at the center of the room, in front of everyone.

Everyone else in the room also had their eyes fixed on them and were expectantly waiting for them to talk.

Wei Ying was about to start blabbering all about his little adventure in the cave when Lan Zhan gently tapped his arm and then took a step forward to face his uncle.

He opened his mouth and started to give what sounded more like a report of the events that had happened. Lan Zhan talked about how the two met by coincidence at the cold pond and how after falling into the water they suddenly emerged in a cave. The way he narrated the events were concise and brief, getting straight to tha point and not wasting time, just like the one who was telling the tale liked it. Wangji finished by describing the cave and the guqin they found inside it, however, he left out anything related to the rabbits and why he had tied his forehead ribbon on Wei Yin's wrist.

Once he finished talking, Wangji's lips sealed and he stood there with his usual cold demeanor. Lan Qiren and the others had been listening attentively to Wangji, when he finished, his uncle started stroking his goatee with one hand as he nodded with his head while he processed what he had just heard from his nephew and favorite disciple.

Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan with a puzzled expression and he wondered if he was going to add anything else but the other boy seemed to have no intention to speak more on the matter.

Wei Ying took a step closer to Lan Zhan and whispered in his ear, "Lan Zhan, what about the rabbits?"

Lan Zhan shivered slightly when he felt Wei Yings breath beside his ear and heard his soft voice closer than usual. Then he quickly composed himself and turned around to face him, he shook his head lightly to try and tell him to shut his mouth but as dense as the other once he couldn't get the message at all and talked in a louder voice instead, attracting unnecessary attention of the people that were surrounding them.

"Come on don't pretend you don't know, you played with the little rabbit yourself." When the words left his mouth, Lan Qiren's eyes instantly shot towards them like daggers and Wangjis face paled a little bit.

Lonely Like A Bunny 1 (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now