Chapter 14: Lan Zhan, Have A Drink With Me!

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Lonely Like A Bunny 1


Chapter 14: Lan Zhan, Have A Drink With Me!

After that, both of them walked down the stairs quietly, diverting their gaze from each other. Then, Wei Ying started humming cheerfully. Lan Zhan stole a discreet glance at him as he studied him carefully: he was wearing his usual and distinctive black robes, his hands were clasped behind his back, he had a carefree smile as he nonchalantly walked while whistling happily. He did not spare a single glance towards Lan Wangji and he seemed completely at ease and untroubled.

Lan Wangji quickly averted his gaze and instead looked down, focusing on every step he took as a wave of different thoughts flooded into his mind, thousand questions popped inside his head, and they were all along the lines of: "Why is he so calm?", "How can he just go on as if we were on a casual stroll?", "Did I misunderstand something?", "Did he miss me at all?", "Am I the only one who is restless and nervous right now?", "Maybe he didn't mean what he said?", "Why won't Wei Ying look at me?", and so forth. He just couldn't help but worry that maybe he had misread Wei Ying's feelings and intentions. And his nonchalant attitude wasn't exactly helping to ease his worries in the least.

Meanwhile, Wei Ying was fretting with anxiety. He had only thought of hurrying to Cloud Recesses to take Lan Zhan back with him, but he hadn't actually imagined that he'd agree so quickly and that they would even been sent off with a smile by Zewu-Jun, he was sure and prepared for an all out brawl with Lan Qiren and the whole Lan Clan.

He had been so preoccupied with this that he hadn't thought about what would come after he actually succeeded. He had longed for Lan Wangji all this time, missing him deeply day and night. Now, he had him standing right beside him, but he didn't know what to say or what he should do now. He was afraid his feelings would take over him and would cause them to act on instinct, frightening Lan Wangji in the process.

But of course his pride wouldn't allow him to show such a pathetic sight to Lan Wangji. So he tried his best to steady his breath and in an attempt to conceal the incessant sweating of his hands he quickly clasped them tightly behind his back. His nerves kept him on edge, he needed to distract himself with something so he unconsciously started whistling to keep himself busy.

Once he had managed to put what he thought was a perfectly decent and calm front he took a peek at Lan Wangji. He saw him staring intently at his feet with a deep scowl on his face. He seemed quite troubled and displeased and this made Wei Ying's heart sink deeply.

He observed him and stole glances at him every once in a while and found the same unchanging expression on Lan Zhan every time he looked at him. Wangji continued like this until they had completely descended the mountain and set foot on the very last step. Wei Ying began to worry if he had been too forceful and ended up putting Lan Zhan in a difficult position. 'What if he hadn't actually wanted to leave with him but after being pressured by him and Zewu-Jun he felt he had no choice to refuse his request?', Wei Ying wondered nervously.

Unable to take any longer, Wei Ying stopped moving forward and prepared himself for the worst. He took a deep breath before he found the strength to call softly, "Lan Zhan."

He tried to keep his voice cool but it clearly cracked a little bit at the end.

Only until Wangji heard Wei Ying's soft voice calling for him did he come out of his inner discussion and shoved to the back of his mind all the questions that had been popping up nonstop. He lifted his face slowly and looked at him blinking slightly.

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