Chapter 16: No More Loneliness

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Lonely Like A Bunny 1


Chapter 16 : No More Loneliness

After he found the waiter that had been in charge of his room he told him they needed a room to stay the night and he happily nodded as he went to find someone to show them upstairs.

Wei Ying came back to the room, he shook Lan Zhan slightly to try and wake him up but he didn't even flinch, he was sound asleep.

With a long sigh, Wei Ying knelt down on the floor and carefully put Lan Zhan in a sitting position, then he turned around and grabbed him with his arm, pulling his arms to circle around his shoulders. Once he was carefully placed on his back he slowly got up and made sure Lan Zhan's head was resting comfortably on his shoulder.

The waiter watched all this with mouth slightly open and his eyes brimming with an intense curiosity but once he noticed Wei Ying shot him a look he quickly turned away and rushed to grab the remaining jugs of alcohol they had left in the room.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "Please follow me, I'll show you to your room." Then he quickly headed out of the room and motioned for Wei Ying to follow him.

Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan tightly and carefully went up the stairs, being careful not to walk too fast so Lan Zhan wouldn't wake up. Once he reached the top of the stairs he found the waiter standing outside of the room that was at the end of the hall, he had already opened the door for them. Wei Ying nodded to thank him as he entered the room and scanned it quickly. The bed was at the end of the room, there was a small table with a sofa in front of them and a small bathroom to the left.

The waiter followed inside and walked over to the table with the jugs, placing them carefully on the table of their room. He wished them a good rest before politely closing the door behind him as he exited the room. Wei Ying silently thanked him for moderating his curious stares and having enough self control to stop himself from asking any questions.

He walked over to the end of the room and held Lan Zhan with one hand as he used his other hand to remove the covers from the bed. Then he gently placed Lan Zhan on the bed, taking off his shoes and laying him down properly. He moved the covers and placed them over Lan Zhan.

Then he sat down on the bed for a moment and watched Lan Zhan sleeping peacefully, a frown slowly formed on Wei Ying's face and irritation started to well up inside him again.

"Lan Zahn you're really something." Wei Ying said , shaking his head as he grabbed one of Lan Zhan's cheeks and pinched it slightly. "How can you be sound asleep after doing that to me, huh?"

He pinched harder and shook Wangji's face slightly. Letting out a bit of his frustration. Lan Zhan faintly shifted and Wei Ying's hand abruptly stopped. He watched Lan Zhan's face and he quickly got lost in it. It was as beautiful and dazzling as ever, but his expression while sleeping wasn't the usual stiff expression he wore. His features softened and his muscles were relaxed, giving him a calm appearance, his long eyelashes fell softly as they covered his eyes.

Wei Ying's hand stopped pinching Lan Zhan and instead softly caressed Wangji's cheek, feeling the smooth skin on his fingertips. He leaned down and pressed his forehead against Wangji's as he closed his eyes for a moment, taking a moment to process the sight that lay before him. This was certainly bad for his heart, it had not stopped pounding like crazy since the moment Lan Wangji was present. He felt like it was going to burst out of his chest back then when Lan Wangji got so close to him. He had to use all of his self restraint to stop himself from doing something else, but Lan Wangji was calmly sleeping. Wasn't that unfair? How could he be so undisturbed while he was a complete mess?

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