Epilogue: The Dream Is No Longer A Dream

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Lonely Like A Bunny 1


Epilogue: The Dream Is No Longer A Dream

Lan Wangji was inside the Library Pavilion. He was sitting down, his back straightened as he held a brush with his hand and made delicate strokes on the paper as he copied the rules of the Lan Clan.

The past few days, the Library had been turned upside down and filled with noise by Wei Ying, but now, it was completely still and quiet, as it should be. The books were meticulously organized on their shelves. Nothing was out of place. And thought it should be this way, Lan Wangji couldn't help but find the place where he had spent the most time of his life strange. This was a place that he knew like the back of his hand, but right now, as his eyes wandered around the library, it seemed foreign to him. He had grown used to seeing Wei Ying laying lazily over the table along with a mess of papers and books all around him, the brushes disorganized on the floor and ink spilling out of its recipient.

Wangji caught himself as a smile was about to show on his face and he reprimanded himself. All those were completely unacceptable behaviors. He should not be remembering those or wishing he could see them again. He knew that, but his heart couldn't hide the desire he had to see Wei Ying, no matter if that meant wishing for something improper.

Wangji placed the brush down as he frowned. 'He won't be coming anymore', he reminded himself as he shook these thoughts away, pushing them deep down in his heart where they belonged.

It had been three days since Wei Ying's punishment had ended, and on the last day he solemnly declared that he wouldn't be coming back here again. And that's exactly what he did. He did not come back.

Lan Wangji went back to his lonely routine of spending his days copying the scripts from his descendants in solitude. From time to time, as he worked, he heard Wei Ying's playful laugh ringing softly in his ears. But when he looked up with hopes of finding the boy ready to play another prank on him, he was not there. There was no one else besides him.

And even though Wei Ying only spent his time there pestering him and making fun of him, he kind of missed it. He only pretended to be annoyed at him to hide his true feelings. But in truth, Lan Wangji treasured the time spent with Wei Ying. He had wanted to ask him to come again, but in the end he couldnt and he just swallowed his words as he watched him walk away.

'This is how things should be', he told himself. Everything must return to its natural order. Wei Ying would rather spend his days running around as he played around with everyone else instead of wasting his time with the boring duties that Lan Wangji had. He knew that. He understood it. But he still had hoped for him to show up again and keep him company.

"Enough." Lan Wangji said aloud as he shook his head. Then he picked up his brush once more and went back to his work.

He was so focused on his work that he didn't hear the light footsteps of someone sneaking inside the library. He just continued to deliver mechanical and precise strokes on the paper as he glared at it furiously.

"Lan Zhan, why are you looking at the paper like that? You'll burn a hole through it." A familiar mischievous voice startled him as a loud laugh accompanied those words.

The brush almost slipped out of Wangji's control as his eyes shot up and found Wei Ying standing a few steps from the table he was working on. He was looking at him with his usual playful smile.

Lan Zhan shook his head and blinked a few times, thinking it was another illusion that came from his own mind playing tricks on him. But after repeating this a few times, that person was still standing there, looking at him with an entertained expression. His smile grew wider and wider as he saw Lan Zhan's confusion.

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