He brought me so much joy and happiness. I knew I was very lucky to have him with me.

Right now, I'm about to have lunch with my grandpa and dad. Mrs. Raichand wants to say something about Tanya, so she asked them to come home from work.

Mimmi is away visiting her parents for a week or two, and my brothers are still at work because it's only lunchtime.

When I got there, everyone was already sitting down, so I quietly sat down too and started eating. Suddenly, Mrs. Raichand cleared her throat and said,

"I have found a possible husband for Tanya." We were all surprised by this sudden news.

Dada was the first to recover from the shock and asked,

"Who is it?" Mrs. Raichand answered,

"Sreyansh Oberoi, the son of your best friend."

"What?!" Dada shouted.

Dada's reaction was even stronger as he almost yelled in surprise.

I sat frozen, looking quickly at Tanya, who pretended to be shy. My heart beat fast, and I couldn't understand what was happening. Mrs. Raichand went on,

"Anaya, Sreyansh's mother, has asked for Tanya to marry him." My throat felt tight, and I started coughing, feeling like the food was stuck.

Dada quickly patted my back and asked when I could breathe again,

"Are you okay?" I nodded without speaking.

"She's having a small party today to announce their engagement," she continued.

My eyes got blurry, feeling overwhelmed. I couldn't take it anymore, so I got up quickly from the table, feeling very sad. I couldn't pretend to be happy when I felt so bad inside.

"I'm done. I'm going to my room now," I said, my voice shaking with feeling.

Without waiting for anyone to say anything, I ran from the dining room, wanting to be alone with my thoughts.

I closed my bedroom door and fell to the floor, crying.

"Why, God? Why is life so unfair to me?" I cried out, feeling betrayed.

"Why can't you see my happiness?" I asked, feeling very sad.

I quickly wiped my tears and grabbed my phone, calling Shrey. But he didn't answer.

Feeling frustrated, I threw the phone on the bed and went to take a shower, letting the water cover the sound of my crying.

"Why?" I screamed in the shower, my tears mixing with the water.

After a while, I got out of the shower, still feeling confused and upset. I put on a simple lehenga, getting ready for the party, even though I didn't understand what was happening.

But I was sure Shrey would never agree to this betrayal.

But I was sure Shrey would never agree to this betrayal

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