Chapter 24: My First Shifter

Start from the beginning

How had Dean come to know you so well. "Alright?" You heard him seeking your confirmation. You shook your head and made a slight mmhmm sound. It was all you could muster.

As the three of you entered the room you had been told to wait in, it quickly became obvious that the family were squabbling amongst themselves. And to distract yourself from the impending questioning, where you knew you would have to be alone with Detective Hudson and away from the comfort of Sam and Dean, you tried to focus on their conversations.

Heddy was accusing Stanton's wife, Amber, of offing him. This whole situation was turning into a soap opera and you were struggling to keep up with who Amber was being accused of sleeping with. And then the word ghost was brought up and you felt Dean straighten next to you.

"She's claiming Bunny's late husband, Lance did it." Bunny stated incredulously. She being Amber. "Have you ever heard such a thing?"

Sam and Dean exchanged glances. This had definitely piqued their interest.

As the family continued to bicker near by, the boys moved to huddle together in a corner, Dean gently ushering you with him as he moved to follow Sam who spoke first. "So ah... Looks like we might have a case here.... Vengeful spirit?"

"Yeah." Dean agreed with his brother. "Think we can get to the car? Get the EMF?"

"Not with, uh. Detective friendly there." Sam looked at you out of concern as he mentioned the Detective. "Not a chance. Guess we're gunna have to go old school."

"So, we're looking for cold spots?" You asked the brothers as you began to perk yourself out of the slump you'd been in. Dean stepped back a little, his arm around you moving with him to rest his hand on your back instead. Both brothers now stared at you with impress.

"Thought we'd lost you back there." Dean begun. And then he turned to Sam. "You stay here and keep an eye on Mrs. Peacock and Colonel Mustard. Jennifer Love Hewitt  here and I will sniff around."

And with that, the three of you split up. Sam staying with the family, and you on your first official ghost hunt with Dean.

"You alright?" Dean asked you as the two of you left Sam and the others to start exploring the large house in search of the spirit.

"Yeah... Sorry bout that... I just um, well seeing the detective, it brought back memories ya know." You managed to spit out, hoping Dean wouldn't tease or judge you about your moment of weakness.

"Yeah. I thought as much." He turned around to smile at you. There was no judgment in his eyes. "No need to apologise sweetheart. I get it... I saw what, what the guy did to you."

"I still dream about Officer tubby sometimes." You admitted, saying the nickname you'd given him out aloud for the very first time.

"Officer tubby?" Dean questioned you.

"Yeah. He looked like a Teletubby...." You explained through a giggle. "So that's what I called him... In my mind at least. Never to his face... I didn't pay attention to his real name."

Dean snorted at that. "I guess he did look like a Teletubby."


"So the key, is to a hidden attic." Dean was relaying what the two of you had seen to Sam. The two of you had recently returned from your exploration of the old house. "And we found Olivia and Colette locked inside."

"Wait, Clown College Colette?" Sam asked.

"Yup." Dean continued. "Except she ain't studying balloon animals up there. She's ah..." And Dean made the pretend sound people use if they're pretending to cut a knife. "She's dead. Rolled up like a burrito..."

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now