Chapter 26

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Author's POV

The sound of birds chirping. The droplets of rain pouring down the window. The light wind blowing through the trees. Jay was woken up by a hit of thunder roaring vigorously.

As he finally opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was natural beauty. His wife. The most ethereal woman in his life. Laying on his chest snoring lightly. But deeply asleep she was.

As he slowly lifted his hand from her back. He used his finger to trace all her facial features. Finally stopping at her lips he leaned in pecking them gently. Then repeating it until she woke up.

"Good morning mi reina" He said smiling lovingly at his wife in his arms.

"Good morning" She responded snuggling into his chest. As a queue he pulled her closer rubbing her back gently.

"How'd you sleep, cause last night was hectic" He said as she blushed deeply.

"I slept good" She said shyly.

"Great, cause I know I put your ass to bed" He added laughing.

Jay started to get up after Tia fell back asleep. Taking a shower before going to make breakfast. Because he stocked the house with food after he bought it.

Whipping up some breakfast. He rapped as he poured the pancake batter into the frying pan.

"Know that I'm up you can say that I'm famous" He rapped.

20 minutes later

After cooking Jay went up the stairs slowly with the food. Opening the door he saw his wife still asleep. Kissing her cheek; she woke from her slumber again. Then sat up as her husband placed the food on the night stand. Sitting on the bed he pulled Tia on his lap before handing her the plate.

As the couple ate together from one plate. Tia bit into a strawberry. Before she could chew Jay placed his hand behind her head biting the strawberry.

He smiled as he saw her blushing. They stared into each other's eyes. But was brought out of the moment when the door opened revealing two pairs of parents at the door smiling at the two.

"You two are so cute" The mother's said.

As Tia tried to get off Jay's lap he stopped her pulling her back.

"Hey guys what y'all doing here when it's raining outside" Jay asked.

"To check on you two, to see if the two of you didn't break the floor making the bed reach on the couch downstairs, but you guys wouldn't stop what you're doing. Son don't you know the rain ain't stopping us from coming to see you two" Jay's father said.

"Also you need to fix that damn light under this room, by the way, we'll be downstairs" He added before closing the door.

Shaking his head Jay brought his focus back to his wife.

"Never wear makeup again, because you're beautiful without it" He said caressing her cheek softly.

"Thank you" She said.

"Don't thank me it's my job as a husband" He said putting the empty vessels on the night stand.

"I think I want to go round 7"He Saud smirking while rubbing her thigh. He laughed as she smacked his hand away.

" Are you crazy, I can't feel my legs" She protested.

"Well that's not what you said last night though" He stated.

"Hmm how did it go, oh 'ahh Jay don't stop' pretty sure that's what I heard" He said making Tia slap his chest lightly. He felt the sting cause he's shirtless as always (rolls eyes).

"Stop" She said covering her eyes.

Jay laughed as he got up from the bed to go take the plate and glass  to the kitchen. As he turned his back Tia gasped when she saw his back filled with scratch  marks.

Making his way to the kitchen sink he began to wash the plate.
He then heard his father come into the kitchen.

"I didn't know Tia was a cat" He stated.

"What you mean" He asked his father curiously.

"I mean you got a lot of scratch marks on your back, didn't know you was that good son" He said as he sipped his water he took from the fridge.

"Well I did put her sleep" Jay boasted.

"I didn't know you were a pro like you're dad son, keep it up and I'll get a grandson soon" His father remarked.

"Yes sir" He said

"Ohh what happened to your back, oh my poor, baby are yo" His mother's words were cut short when she realized what it was as smirk came to her face.

"You little Osama, you need to calm yourself down" She stated laughing.

"Oh leave the boy alone" His father defended.

"You're one to talk" She said to her husband.

"What you say" He asked stepping closer with each word.

"I said..." She started as she ran away laughing.

"You think you funny huh, well let's see who's funny when I catch you" He said running after her almost falling to the ground which made Jay laugh. He quickly shut up when his father shot him a look.

"Laugh again" He said.

"Parents...... they do the funniest things" Jay said washing the glass.

3 hours later

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