Chapter 21

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Jay's mom POV

Finally I got some sleep. Last night those two kids were hectic. I thought as I left the guest room making my way to kitchen.

30 minutes later

I heard shuffling when I looked at the stairs I saw the two culprits.

Author's POV

"Good morning everybody" Tia and Jay said together.

"Good morning" Everyone else said one by one.

"How'd you guys sleep last night" Jay's father asks.

Tia blushed.

"We slept great how about you dad" Jay answered.

"I slept great as well" He responded.

"Breakfast is ready" Jay's mom shouts while everyone made their way to the table, blessing the food before eating.

"So Jay, you need to get your lights fixed, the one under your bedroom was blinking like crazy last night" Jay's dad said. Jay smirked at Tia.

Jay's dad saw this and said.

"Ohh I know why it was blinking like crazy, it's because of your little deed last night ohh ha ha ha" He says laughing along with Tia's dad.

"Ohh Tia why's your neck so red, you have an allergy dear, or not....... I wonder who caused that" Jay's mom asks while glaring at her son.

"Why you looking at me for ma" Jay said trying to avoid her glare. He hissed when she slap him on his arm.

"Why did you do that to my daughter in law" She exclaimed.

"Also since this is happening, when we getting grand babies" She asked.

"Soon ma" Jay responded smirking at Tia while she side eyed him blushing.

After breakfast

Christine's (Jay's mom) POV

I'm so proud of my son finally settling down. Tia is the perfect girl for him. I thought as Tia and I were looking at wedding dresses online.

"Wooow I love this one it's so beautiful and elegant but simple, I love it" Tia exclaimed.

"Indeed it is" I said agreeing.

"Now for the shoes" Tia continued.

Tia's POV

"Don't worry about that cause I already got them" Jay said placing a box in my lap. I opened it curiously and gasped. RED BOTTOMS. Freaking red bottoms. These cost a lot.

"I love them, but you could have bought something less expensive" I said exaggerating the less to make it clearer.

"You know I love spending money on my queen" He said kissing me loving.

"Eh ehm remember I'm still here children" Christine said.

"Sorry" I said looking down.

"What did say about you doing that T" Jay said lifting my chin. He said kissing me again.

"You know what I'm gonna leave this room to give you love birds some privacy" Christine said leaving in search of her husband.
We laughed putting our foreheads together closing our eyes. My phone dinged interrupting our moment. I picked it up to check.

"Ohh I forgot I got to go check out some suits with dad gotta go Bae" He said kissing me again then kissing my forehead.

"I'll be back my queen" He said telling his mom he'll be back soon before jogging out the door quickly.

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