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"Oh no" I glanced up at Saige who had his hand on the small of my back

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"Oh no" I glanced up at Saige who had his hand on the small of my back. We had just got out of the car to the Cartier event. This was way too many people.

"Just smile and ignore people" he spoke as he slid his hand into mine. I nodded as we made our walk on the red carpet. The cameras was going crazy and the chatter got louder.

"Oh my gosh, can we please get a picture" I glanced over seeing a few people behind the rope going crazy. I was about to make a face but I caught myself.

"Would you be okay with me taking a picture with them?" He questioned as we stopped in front of them. I looked at them and shrugged with a smile.

"Sure, that's fine" he kept my hand in his as he leaned over to get into their selfie. A whole bunch more people started asking for one but Dozer walked on that side to stop them. Geez, he's the real deal. We continued walking down the red carpet until it was time for the pictures. At this point I just wanted to go inside. I have no clue how he's able to do this on a daily.

"Mr.Hartz this way" one of the photographers spoke. We turned to look at him as Saige stood behind me with his hands on my waist. I leaned into him as I smiled. "One more this way"

We took a few more than hurried inside the building. I was in awe as I stared at the beautiful structured place. Everything was giving high class. He whispered something to his bodyguard then they walked off. Dahlia appeared next to us in a beautiful gown.

"You two look amazing." She complimented. I smiled at her.

"So do you" a waiter passed by offering us champagne. We all took a glass thanking him as he walked off. A couple of older guys waltz near us with huge smiles.

"Ahh Mister Saige Hartz" one said as they shake hands firmly. Dahlia excused herself as she said something in her ear piece.

"Dixon, how are you" Saige said with a smile. I took a sip of my champagne as I watched the two. They engrossed in a conversation as the other man with them kept eyeing me. Talk about uncomfortable. I reached for Saige hand which he interlaced our fingers.

"Oh sorry gentlemen. This is my girlfriend Ennessey. This is Dixon and Keith" I smiled giving a small wave.

"Nice to meet you" Keith tried to reach for my hand but Saige gave him a firm look. He cleared his throat as he simply gave me a nod.

"I've been trying to convince him to go into business with me" Nixon joked. "He's a hard man to please"

"I beg to differ" I spoke as Nixon gave Saige a look. I took another sip as they continued talking. For the next 30 minutes he introduce me to more people. We haven't had a time to just enjoy the event together without someone walking over to talk to him. I knew this night was about his success and the collaboration but I was tired of fake smiling at these people. The music dimmed down as someone tapped the mic.

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