"Can we, um, talk in private maybe?" Poppy eyed Sebastian next to her. Alayna gave him an apologetic look and silently asked that he give them space.

"No worries, I've stolen enough of your time for now. See you later!" Sebastian waved and walked off. Alayna wasn't sure if he was disappointed or not that their walk had been interrupted. But she turned her attention to Poppy.

"It's about the poachers," Poppy leaned in to whisper. "And you."

"The poachers? And me?" Alayna glanced around at the students that passed around them. The entrance was a fairly busy place, so she tugged on Poppy's arm to lead her back outside where they could find a more private spot. "Tell me everything."

"I overheard some of them speaking in the Hog's Head and-"

"The Hog's Head? Poppy, what on earth were you thinking going there?" Alayna had gone there herself, but Poppy was just so...well, she looked like an easy target.

"It's alright. I was only there for a little while, I was trying to get information on the poachers." Great, now not only did Alayna have to deal with a headstrong Gryffindor, but also a reckless Hufflepuff. She pinched her nose at the incoming headache.

"Did you know that Victor Rookwood gave orders to capture you on sight?" Alayna dropped her hand from her face to look at Poppy. It wasn't exactly surprising, but she hadn't heard that.

"I...can't say I'm not surprised," she answered truthfully.

"Does this have anything to do with Rookwood and Harlow coming after you in the Three Broomsticks?"

"It does...somewhat. But I'm more concerned about what else you overheard about the poachers." She could not involve Poppy in her affairs with Rookwood and Ranrok. Natty, Sebastian, even Ominis now technically were in on what was going on. She couldn't let one more person get involved, especially not someone so purely innocent like Poppy.

"Alright...but I do hope you'll tell me about it sometime. I'd be happy to help in any way I can, especially after what you did for Highwing." Poppy clasped her hands in front of her and rocked on her heels.

"Thank you, Poppy. You're very kind." Alayna smiled at her offer, but she didn't plan on taking her up on it. She was already repaying plenty by helping her with the magical creatures she had been rescuing.

"In that case, have you heard of something called Horntail Hall?"

"Not at all." Alayna tilted her head. She hadn't paid attention too much to poacher conversations while sneaking around and such, but she was certain she'd never heard it mentioned. "Why? What is it?"

"Apparently it's the poachers best kept secret. So I suppose that's why you wouldn't have. The name came up twice, but they didn't go into much detail." Poppy dropped her hands to her side then, clenching them into fists as she looked as angry as a kitten might have. "I also overheard them talking about how much gold they're making. All at the expense of the poor magical creatures they capture."

"We're doing what we can to help," Alayna reminded her. Besides the hippogriffs and the few magical creatures she'd rescued with Deek, she had also rescued a number of others in poacher camps and just in the wilds.

"I know. They mentioned an area in the Forbidden Forest quite a bit. I thought we might be able to find some clues if we searched there."

Alayna absolutely did not want to take Poppy into the Forbidden Forest to search for poachers, but after a week of being cooped up in the castle with classes and homework, she was itching to get out for a bit and into some action. Not to mention, she was fairly confident if she didn't agree to go Poppy would go by herself anyway. She and Natty were quite alike in that regard.

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