Chapter 23

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"Miss Donellan, please stay after class today," Professor Sharp addressed Alayna as he was walking around and inspecting everyone's potions. She stared into her cauldron, wondering if she had done something wrong and knowing that she had not. Her potions were perfect, or as close to perfect as she could come. So there was only one other thing it could be, extra lessons. Alayna groaned, it was already nearing the end of the week and she did not have the energy for an extra lesson that day. There was no arguing with a professor, however, so while everyone else exited the classroom Alayna hung back by her cauldron station. Professor Sharp waited until everyone had left before approaching her again.

"What's the lesson today?" Alayna asked. She honestly had not had many extra lessons with Professor Sharp since she was already well versed in potion making. Most of the extra lessons he gave her were for more advanced potions that she would be learning next year.

"I thought we would switch things up today. Clearly, you are a skilled potion maker despite coming to Hogwarts later than the rest of your peers. I frankly have no concern about you catching up in my class," Professor Sharp spoke. High praise coming from him, he rarely complimented anyone on their potion making. There was always something he found to comment on or something to improve on.

"Thank you, professor," Alayna replied, fidgeting with her robes a bit.

"Indeed, so instead I will be teaching you a spell today." He pulled out his wand and gave it a wave. A training dummy whisked into appearance within the classroom a few feet from them.

"A spell? For...potion making?" Alayna was a little confused.

"No, for defending yourself. Professor Hecat has spoken to me about your natural talent for dueling. She feels you could use more education in this area and asked if I would help." Everyone knew the rumors that Professor Sharp had been an auror before teaching at Hogwarts. Rather they were hardly rumors since it was well known that he had been an auror, the rumors more surrounded the reason why he left. Alayna guessed it had to do with whatever had caused the limp he now walked with.

"I'm not sure it's very natural...I just really like Professor Hecat's class," Alayna spoke shyly. The 'natural talent' she had portrayed at the start of the year was really just experience after all. 

"Hm," Professor Sharp looked her over with a look Alayna couldn't puzzle out. "I will be teaching you Diffindo today. It is a heavily useful attack spell to slash opponents. This should not be used in your classroom duels."

"Yes, sir." Alayna nodded. Satisfied with her response, Professor Sharp continued on to teach her the incantation and wand movements. When he felt she was adequately prepared, he directed her to practice against the dummy. 

"Diffindo!" Alayna shouted, the spell leaving her wand and slashing across the chest of the dummy leaving a cut not extremely deep, but against a person she assumed it would work much better.

"Natural talent indeed..." Professor Sharp muttered. "Give it a few more go's, get used to it." Alayna did as he instructed, falling in love with the spell the more she used it. It felt like she was wielding a sword and was somewhat satisfying watching the wave of magic leave her wand and cut into the dummy. When she turned to face Professor Sharp again, he nodded in approval.

"Good, it will prove useful I hope," he commented. It was the sort of dismissal she was used to, their lesson was over but Alayna still had some questions for him.

"Um, professor? I wondered...could you tell me more about being an auror? Professor Hecat thinks it would be fitting for me, but I'm not sure about it yet." Professor Sharp had already started limping back to his desk where he sat down with a sigh. The movement looked painful and Alayna had to wonder just how much pain he was in all the time from the battle wounds he had received while serving as an auror. Besides his limp, he had a rather serious scar that ran almost across his entire face from his forehead to his chin.

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