Chapter 26

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Rookwood castle sat elevated on a hill outside of Feldcroft. It was well positioned with cliffs on all sides that made approach to the castle difficult. There was only one path leading up to the large iron gates. The castle itself was somewhere between dilapidated and well cared for. It was certainly not a complete ruin as most of the building was still intact, but ivy covered much of the walls and the stonework was crumbling away.

As the pair crept their way up the incline leading to the gates, it quickly became clear just how guarded the place was. There weren't just goblins guarding the castle, but poachers too. Two poachers stood guard outside the gate and to the left was a camp set up outside of the walls with a mix of the two groups.

"I knew they were working together, but this is the first I've really seen them cooperating," Professor Fig whispered as they observed the land.

"Yes, they both really want to keep this place secure. After all, this castle probably does belong to Victor Rookwood doesn't it? He wouldn't just let the goblins run free in the place," Alayna pointed out.

"Mm, you're right. It certainly doesn't make it any easier to get inside."

"Still think we can manage it with just the two of us?" Alayna was honestly a little nervous about trying to get in with just them. The place was a fortress.

"Well, the plan is to avoid a fight as much as possible, so I should hope so." Professor Fig observed the castle for a few more moments before forming a plan. "The front gate is out of the question, so our best bet is to find an area where the wall has crumbled perhaps."

"Right, just like with the castle Natty and I-I mean right, sounds logical." Even with barely being able to see Fig, Alayna could tell he was raising an eyebrow at her. She hadn't told him about her and Natty sneaking into a poacher occupied castle or her recent adventure with Natty into a poacher camp.

"Something to discuss at a later date, I think," Professor Fig said. They crept to the left along the edge of the castle walls to find a good place to climb over or through. Making their way past the camp of goblins and poachers outside of the castle walls, they found a section where it had crumbled quite a bit. It almost looked like something had blasted through the stone wall leaving a gap behind. It was a bit high off the ground, but with the two of them working together they were able to climb up and through.

The inside was just as guarded as the outside. Several large tents had been pitched within the castle's courtyard. Poachers and goblins everywhere patrolled or relaxed within the open space. As Alayna hopped down from the wall after Fig, he waved her to hide behind a few stacked crates. Joining him, she heard a familiar voice from across the courtyard.

"If I had known your plan was to dig up half the country-" Victor Rookwood stood in the courtyard and he wasn't alone.

"I wouldn't have to dig if you could simply manage to bring me the child." Ranrok was here as well and it didn't appear the two were getting along too well.

"We wouldn't need the child if you hadn't sent a dragon to retrieve the container I spent months and countless Ministry favors tracking," Rookwood retorted. Alayna and Professor Fig glanced at each other. This alliance was certainly tenuous at best and Alayna couldn't help but hope arguments like this meant they might turn on each other instead of working together. It would help them immensely if the two groups were no longer partners.

"You let them board the carriage. My options were limited once I knew it would be inconveniently beyond my reach at that infernal school."

"Have you not acquired enough power here? I allowed you to tunnel under my family home-" Rookwood gestured to the castle around them, turning slightly towards where Alayna and Fig were hiding. She ducked down further behind the crates even if they were both still under Disillusionment.

In the Shadow of Power - Hogwarts Legacyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن