Chapter 14

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With Alayna upset at Ominis, she avoided sitting with the two of them at lunch the next morning. She didn't have the chance to explain to Sebastian what had happened either as the two of them were already in the Great Hall when she arrived. Instead, she chose to sit next to Nerida. That was until she received a note from Professor Fig informing her that he had returned to the castle. Alayna had barely sat down before she was grabbing a pastry and running back out of the hall. She couldn't wait another minute to tell Professor Fig everything that had happened.

"Professor Fig!" Alayna barged into his office, not even bothering to knock this time. She was simply so excited. It appeared as though Professor Fig was still settling in from his trip as he was in the middle of pulling items out of a travel bag.

"Alayna." A mix of emotions passed over Professor Fig's face before he landed on a smile. "I wasn't expecting to see you this early."

"I couldn't wait any longer. I have been dying to talk to you," Alayna walked over and placed her hands on his desk as she began spouting off everything that had happened. "A house elf helped me find the missing pages from the book, well, sort of. They sent me to a secret grotto where I met a ghost Richard Jackdaw and he had stolen the pages from Peeves."

"Peeves? That does make sense..." Fig interrupted for a moment.

"Yes! And Richard led me to a cave in the Forbidden Forest -- but I didn't go alone -- because he died with the pages on him. So we went through these spider-infested caves and found the pages but then we ended up at another ancient magic place anyway. So there's a place called the map chamber and it's actually underneath the castle but I need the book in order to unlock it fully or something so," Alayna took a deep breath in as she finished her story without stopping once.

"Merlin's beard, Alayna. It sounds like you've been busy while I was gone. I'm...not sure what to say to all that..." Fig looked like he was still catching up to everything she'd said. "I'm glad to see you are unharmed?" He looked her up and down briefly.

"Oh, yes. I'm fine. Do you have the book?" Alayna asked eagerly.

"I want to go now?"

"Yes, please! There's a portrait of Percival Rackham and he won't tell me anything if I don't have the book," Alayna whined, hanging her head as she remembered their conversation and the disappointment she'd felt.

"Alright, alright," Fig laughed and began searching around his rather cluttered office. "It should be...ah right here." He picked the book off of a stack and tucked it under his arm. Gesturing for Alayna to take the lead, the pair made their way out of his office and towards the dungeons of the castle where the entrance to the map chamber was.

As they walked, Alayna found herself thinking of Sebastian. Since he had come with her to the Forbidden Forest, she had felt confused about her feelings for him. She had no idea what it meant to be in love with someone. There was no one else her age in Damerel, certainly no boys.

"Professor Fig, can I ask you something?" Alayna slowed a little so that they walked side by side.

"Of course, what's on your mind?"

"How did you know you were in love with your wife Miriam?" Professor Fig looked a little taken aback by the question, but he appeared to seriously consider it.

"Hmm, there were plenty of little reasons I loved her. Her smile, her laugh, I thought she was beautiful, and she was an incredible witch. But most of all she made me feel comfortable as though she truly understood me like no one else. And I never wanted to be far from her side." That loving look Fig had when he spoke of his wife appeared, which warmed Alayna's heart as she listened to what he had to say. "Why do you ask? Could it be you have feelings for someone?"

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