Chapter 13

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The towering piles of objects stretched on forever as Alayna and Professor Weasley walked through the narrow path between them. Alayna couldn't tell if they were moving any further into the room given its endless nature. She wondered where all of these objects had come from. Professor Weasley claimed they simply showed up in the room, but did the Room create them or steal them from places around the world or just in Hogwarts?

Eventually they came upon a border of towers more organized than the rest. The objects were arranged to form walls in a boxed room. As they entered, they were forced to dodge flying objects coming from a sloping mountain of random items piled on one side of the room. Standing on the pile was a house elf. He was looking through the objects in the pile and tossing away ones that did not interest him. At the sound of their approach, he turned around.

"Ah, there you are! Deek was looking through what new items had appeared in the Room." The house elf, Deek, slid down the pile holding a bag that reminded Alayna of a doctor's traveling bag. He wore a red and green tartan patterned dress and had a short grey beard and bushy eyebrows.

"Deek, this is Alayna Donellan. Alayna this is Deek. I've asked him to help you use the Room to its full potential during your studies," Professor Weasley introduced them.

"Oh, thank you. Although, I'm still unclear on how the Room will help me," Alayna admitted.

"The Room of Requirement will respond to your needs and change to suit them. All you need do is focus and think about what it is you need to help you with your studies," Deek explained. "Close your eyes and focus." Alayna was a little hesitant, but did as Deek instructed. She wasn't really sure what it was she would need for her studies, what she could use. Hogwarts offered a lot already. If anything, what she needed was space. Having to share a room with three other girls meant there was little space for privacy. Not to mention the common room and library were all shared spaces. There was nowhere she could really be just by herself.

The room shifted and Alayna opened her eyes in time to witness the towering piles around them begin to move. They drew away and in their place slid actual walls which closed them in. High above settled in a domed glass ceiling that looked out into a beautiful starry night sky. The lighting faded to match the dim hours of night. On the regal wooden walls appeared paintings and other decorations on the lower half and on the upper were bookshelves. To the left and right were two alcoves with statues in them. Behind them was a short hallway that led to a door. And below them appeared a black and white tiled floor. The rest of the space was fairly empty.

It was overall a beautiful space that felt homely, Alayna thought as she gazed around. The perfect place for her studies, where she could feel comfortable and not worry about peering eyes.

"How marvelous!" Professor Weasley commented. "You'll have plenty of space here to work with. Do you remember those Conjuration spellcrafts I had you get while in Hogsmeade?"

"I do, I wondered what those were for," Alayna nodded.

"While most of Hogwarts does not allow for Conjuration magic, the Room of Requirement does. You'll be able to conjure all sorts of useful items as well as decorate the space to your liking," Professor Weasley explained.

"Oh! So those spellcrafts are so I can practice brewing potions and growing magical plants?" Alayna remembered that the spellcrafts had been for a cauldron station and potting table. Not that she really needed the practice, but it would be useful for completing homework if she didn't want to make a trip to the Potions or Herbology classrooms. She could just do it all here instead. Perhaps she could conjure a dummy too to practice spells on.

"Exactly!" Thus began their short lesson on how to conjure and vanish objects within the Room. Professor Weasley also taught her how to alter the appearance of the objects she summoned to better suit her tastes.

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