Chapter 2

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Hogwarts castle was even more impressive up close and the interior just as amazing as Alayna had imagined. Even in the dark moonlit night, it looked magnificent. She couldn't wait to see it during the day. Professor Fig led her though the castle corridors to a set of enormous double doors that would lead them into the Great Hall. Alayna could hear cheering and chatter coming from inside and the smell of food wafted out.

"We've made it just in time." Professor Fig paused in front of the doors and looked over the traveling clothes Alayna was still wearing. "Hm, better change into something more appropriate." With a wave of his wand, her clothes changed into a plain set of the school's uniform.

"Thank you, professor."

"I think it best that we keep the details of our adventure to ourselves for now. In the meantime, I'll take a closer look at this vial and see if anything else can't be gleaned from it." 

"I hope you find something," Alayna smiled. Professor Fig stepped up to the doors then and just barely opened one of them to peek in. He pulled back with a rather sour look on his face.

"Prepare yourself, the Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black is a rather unsavory fellow, but you are about to meet him." The way Fig said the headmaster's name was enough to tell Alayna that this man was sure to be a pain. Before she could question him further, the headmaster himself stepped through the doors to join them outside the Great Hall. Everything about him was tailored, his suit, his dark hair and mustache, even the way he held and presented himself. Stiff, was the word that came to mind for Alayna.

"Professor Fig, how kind of you to join us," Headmaster Black addressed Professor Fig, completely ignoring Alayna for the moment.

"I do apologize, headmaster, but there were some complications on our journey."

"Complications?" The headmaster barely allowed Fig time to finish his sentence before he began speaking in so eloquent a tone that Alayna had to wonder if it was forced.

"It seems the rumors of a goblin-"

"Enough. Goblins. Rumors are all that they are and ones that I have no time for, Fig. You are already late, do not make me lose my patience." Alayna froze when he finally turned his attention on her. "Perhaps if you are quick about it we can still get you sorted tonight." He turned on his heel and walked back into the Great Hall. Looking to her right, Alayna saw Fig give her a thumbs up before urging her to follow after the headmaster.

The Great Hall. For a place that served mainly as a dining hall for the students at Hogwarts, it was spectacular. Four long tables ran the length of the hall with a dais at the opposite end where the professors sat. Pillars lining the side of the hall held an arched ceiling that disappeared behind the sky that appeared in the room above. Stars twinkled among a few clouds. School banners hung across the way and between those were hundreds of floating candles.

Alayna had to force herself to follow after Headmaster Black or else she would have stood in place, mouth wide open, for ages. She walked straight past the many students sitting with their houses and friends chatting away, trying to ignore the many looks and whispers her sudden appearance garnered. On the dais was a stool, beside it was one of the professor's holding a rather unusual looking hat. The Sorting Hat. Once placed upon her head, she would be placed in her house. It was the moment she had been waiting for. 

"One more to be sorted, Professor Weasley," Headmaster Black said with disinterest. The red headed woman gave Alayna a kind smile though and gestured for her to take a seat on the stool. Alayna took a deep breath and sat, now forced to look out on all of the students who were also all now looking at her. The large leather hat was placed on her head.

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