Chapter One

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"Just eat it, Mia."

I apparently had zoned out for a long time, because when my vision cleared, I saw a huge mushroom hanging on a fork in front of my face. 

"C'mon Mia, it's not gonna hurt you."

There was no way in hell I was going to put that fungus in my mouth.

"Nate, I rather die than eat that. It's disgusting and going nowhere near my mouth."

He started laughing at me, probably because he couldn't believe how scared I was.

"It's a mushroom, Mia. It's not going to kill you if you eat it. Plus, it's a special night of surprises for you. Do you really want to ruin it right now by not taking a small bite?"

A small chuckle escaped from his throat as he dangled the fork in front of my face.

"C'mon Mia, live a little with me. "


Actually, I loved him, but I hated him right now for making me do this. I shoved the mushroom in my mouth and swallowed it whole as Nate busted into laughter. As long as he got a laugh out of it I was happy, because in all honesty, I hated it. 

We spent the rest of the time at Fill's talking about my post graduation plans, and me taking forever to guess what he had up next for my "night of surprises". We left with a to go box of half of my burger and fries, another order of spaghetti for Nate, and two chocolate milkshakes. At that moment, I couldn't have been any happier. 

I had been excited the entire week prior to our special night of surprises. Knowing that Nathan had planned out our entire weekend together made me want to squirm in my seat like a little kid at a carnival.

We had different schedules; with his sophomore year of college winding down and me finishing my senior year of high school, everything was beginning to change more than I could have ever hoped, so I was excited when Nate had something planned for us to do together.

He cancelled practice for the football team today, and told them they deserved a much needed day off with how well they had been practicing this past week, but I think he was just so excited to give me my graduation presents that he didn't want to wait any longer. I told him to take his time and we didn't need to do a lot for my graduation, but he insisted. 

He picked me up after I finished school, which was the last day for the senior students. I was so excited to know that I was graduating in just two short weeks. I got to ride in his Jeep with the doors off as we pulled out of the school parking lot, and the sun shining down so beautifully and bright made me want to live in the moment forever. 

After Fill's he took me over to his house where his mom made me a baked apple pie and gave me a beautiful gold charm bracelet for my graduation. After drinking my milkshake, I felt like I was going to go into a sugar coma, but I figured for Anne Walkers famous apple pie, well, it was totally worth it. 

We made a trip to the pet store, but I was unable to convince Nate that I was ready to adopt a dog. Even though I tried. And I mean, I tried. Instead he bought me a goldfish, and I realized that was a perfect addition for us. I put the fish in his bowl, fed him, and sat him down on the counter. Nate and I made a trip home to drop him off before we continued Nathan's night full of surprises. 

"Hey, how's your mom liking the progress on the garage?" He asked, his hands now in his pockets. 

I sat Mike (I named the fish Mike), down on the kitchen counter and shrugged my shoulders.

Nate had been hired as a contractor for a small construction company and he has been doing some projects for my mother on the side, even though my mother never truly knows what she wants and changes her mind every five seconds, I'm still grateful that she was willing to help support his business. 

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