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Start from the beginning

Taking a deep breath you lifted your head to face theirs along with your signature smile. When you asked how their day had been they were reluctant to answer and instead question what was wrong just a moment ago, but brushed it off when the conversation between you three carried on. About an hour later Xiao and Scaramouche had been fighting over whether they should have Almond Tofu or Shimi Chazuke for dinner. Sighing rather loudly it caught their attention. Dropping your pen on the desk you turned towards them a glare resting on your face. They would be lying if they said they didn't find it hot.

As Scaramouche attempted to speak you interrupted him ordering them to meet you in the bedroom and without a second glance you made your way toward the bathroom slamming the door behind you. After you had finished wiping your face down with a wet towel you walked to the bedroom door, already hearing the shouting coming from the other side. When entering the room they were so invested in insulting the other that they didn't hear the door open. You walked up fingers lacing through each of their hair and giving it a slight tug. They both groaned at the action, eyebrows furrowed.

"I've had just about enough of your fighting. I gave you guys a whole month to figure things out between yourselves. I've been patient and calm, but you two can't seem to respect that. So if neither of you are willing to take control of the situation and grow the hell up, then I certainly will" Your voice held annoyance and no room for argument. Letting go of Scaras hair you dragged Xiao toward the bed before turning back to Scara and ordering him to strip before stripping Xiao yourself.

At first, they were beyond embarrassed, sure this wasn't the first time you had seen either of them in the nude, but it was the first time they would be bare around each other. So they couldn't help but wonder what the other would think about them. When all clothes had been removed except your own the two were beyond shocked to see the same thing between the other's legs.

"Scara" You called, successfully pulling him out of his daze along with Xiao. "You're not allowed to touch yourself until I'm done with Xiao. Do I make myself clear?"

"What?! So you're going to fuck Xiao first instead of me?!" Looks like his temper hadn't completely gone away.

"I could always leave you to take care of yourself." and with that all was silent, "That's what I thought, be a good boy and I'll tend to you later." Not sparing another glance Scaramouche sat on the wooden chest as you focused back on Xiao. Climbing onto the bed until you loomed over him, you placed your hand on his shoulder, pushing him down gently. "Gonna be a good boy? Behave and be the better person?" You whispered to him, lips hovering over his. Xiao nodded, too flustered to speak. "Good".

Lowing your head your lips crashed onto his, tongue dragging across his bottom lip before tangling with his own. Minutes later you pulled away running your tongue over his, pressing down and feeling it quiver while Xiao panted regaining the breath that he had lost in the heat of the moment. Moving your head lower you kissed down his neck until your lips met with his nipple. Running your tounge over it slowly you felt him shiver at the sensation. Xiao, even if he never admitted it, had always been the sensitive type and you knowing all his good spots made him feel a whole lot weaker. Finally latching your mouth onto him you used your other hand to fondle his right one, rolling the pink rosy bud between your fingers.

You could hear the whines of Scaramouche behind you and could only imagine his internal struggle not to touch himself. While you were occupied with Xiao and your thoughts you missed his hand running down to his clit, trying to draw small circles on it without grabbing your attention, but that only got him so far. Feeling your mouth detach from him and your hand grabbing his wrist you pulled him forward.

"Thought I wouldn't notice huh? Well, think again, Xiao. I've always had a keen sense, but nice try hun." Telling him not to move you made your way over to the dresser pulling open a drawer and grabbing a belt. At first, Xiao thought you were going to spank him with it, that was until you asked for his hands. Not wanting to dig himself into a deeper hole he took his punishment with a pout on his face. Placing his wrists together he watch as you wrapped the belt around them and locked it in, "Lean against the headboard, back first. If I see you so much as try to touch yourself I'll leave you there until I'm done with Scara" and you weren't kidding.

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