Bonus Chapter | Cyrus & Ayame

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That sobered them up though laughter still lingered in their eyes and Ezekiel straightened, wiping away his tears.

"So you admit you love her?" Ezekiel asked, smiling mischievously.

"Yes. Happy now?" I said exasperatedly.

His smile widened in response. I am going to ask Dad to disown him.

"You have fucked up badly", Marcelo stated the obvious, sitting opposite me.

"I know." I gritted my teeth. "So, if you all are done laughing then start telling me some solutions. And she is completely avoiding me so I have no way to explain to her so no, I can't talk to her."

"What happened to 'never settling for a single pussy'? Changed your mind so soon?" Silvio taunted, sitting beside Marcelo.

In a moment, I had my gun cocked and pressed against his forehead. He looked unfazed by it and raised a brow in amusement.

Marcelo slowly pushed away my gun. "The first solution is for you to calm the fuck down."

Taking a deep breath, I put my gun down and sat back quietly.

"Now..." Marcelo leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. " say she isn't listening to you. So, why don't you try writing a letter to her? Women love that shit."

"Agreed." Ezekiel chirped from beside me.

Silvio snorted. "Please."

"You have a better idea?" Marcelo pinned him with a pointed look, sounding offended.

Silvio shrugged. "No. But writing a letter is stupid. He needs to be more creative."

Sighing, I turned to Ezekiel. "Now would be a really good time for you to be a caring elder brother and help me."

"Huh? When have I not been a caring elder brother to you?"

"See." Marcelo butted in, shaking his head. "The little ones never appreciate the efforts of their elder siblings."

Silvio rolled his eyes, shoving Marcelo away.

"Can we please focus on the problem at hand?!" I was losing my patience.

Just then Lilith walked in, caressing her seven-month baby bump, her face had that pregnancy glow.

Silvio's face lit up on seeing her and she made her way to him as he wrapped and arm around her waist, pulling her down on his lap.

"I am heavy!" She whisper-yelled to him but we all could perfectly hear her.

He shot her a glare, brushing a kiss on her temple and resting his palm on her bump. She blushed but eventually got comfortable.

Seeing them sent a flare of jealousy through me, that wishful kind. I was sceptical of love and even made fun of everyone when they fell but now I want exactly what these guys have. The love that makes them fucking glow, I am not even kidding.

The way their eyes light up when they see their wives and it's the same reaction their wives have for them. I love Ayame but I want her to love me back in the same way.

"Are you okay?" Lili's question brought me out of my thoughts.

"At least someone here cares about me unlike these fuckers." I smiled at her. "Thank you."

"I am sure Ayame will forgive you. She must have feelings for you that's why she is so hurt." 

"Finally." I sighed. "Someone has the brains to take this seriously."

And just to fuck with Silvio, I leaned forward and kissed Lili's forehead lingeringly. "Have I told you that I love you?"

Silvio growled at me, eyes narrowed and I smirked back at him.

Destined For You (The Ludovica Siblings #3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang