Twenty-Two | Insane

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The next day, I decided to confront him and ask him to explain why he was acting this way and if he really regretted our kiss.

But that was easier said than done.

At the breakfast table, I thought of initiating that conversation but every time I lifted my head to speak, I just felt shy.

He should be the one to be ashamed but I don't know why I felt scared to bring up that. Maybe I was scared that he would confirm that he did regret that kiss.

I didn't want him to regret that. God, it was so amazing. I will forever cherish that memory.

When I finally gathered enough courage to speak, he was already getting up and leaving for work.

Tonight definitely. Now I have a whole day to prepare for what I will say to him and how I can emotionally blackmail him.

I spent my day roaming through the house and even writing down good points in my notes app.

do you really regret kissing me?
if you don't want me, just say so
• do you want us to remain friends throughout our whole marriage?
• I know I told you not to kiss me but I want you to do it now
• I want a real marriage
• I want you
• I love you

I deleted the last point immediately. I don't want to tell him that so soon.

Somehow, time went by and soon it was evening and the moment I heard the front door being opened, I practically ran down the stairs to meet him.

But I came to a halt upon seeing him. "Who the fuck did that?"

His suit jacket was draped over his forearm and on the collar of his white shirt was a huge red imprint of someone's lips.

I was fuming with anger, clenching my fists, tears forming in my eyes.

"No." He said firmly, stepping close. "I am going to explain, it's not what it looks like."

"Oh? I think I know what exactly that is."

Sadness glimmered in his eyes and he was about to touch my shoulders but I jerked back. "Don't touch me."

He flinched, his jaw ticked. "Listen to me. If I really wanted to hide this from you, I would have already wiped it away but I didn't because I felt guilty even though it's not my mistake and I wanted to show you this so I could explain."

He had a point which made me not run away and I stayed there, waiting for him to explain.

"I was in a club with Edgar, my assistant. This woman, she is a business associate of mine, I happened to run into her at the bar." He explained slowly.

I already hated this woman. I wanted to put her head in a tank filled with piranhas.

Gritting my teeth, I waited for him to continue.

"She has always been a little too friendly and I swear I have always tried to not talk to her about anything but business but today she caught me and she asked me a few things related to the business and she quickly switched the topic to non-business related things."

"And you kept conversing with her?" I asked sharply.

"No. I ended the conversation within a minute and I bid her goodbye and..." He looked disgusted with himself. "...she leaned in to kiss my neck all of a sudden but thankfully, I dodged that and her lips ended up on my collar."

Destined For You (The Ludovica Siblings #3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang