Eighteen | Massage

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I didn't know I would feel such immense relief from seeing him.

I wanted to shout at him, curse him, fight with him, and demand answers from him but overall, I just wanted to hug him.

I just wanted him to hold me and assure me that he is not going anywhere. That he is not fed up with me.

For a moment I was afraid that he might not hug me back but then he did and being in his arms felt like heaven. I felt so warm and safe.

I still feel hurt by what he did hence a little angry at him but he did say that he will make up for it and I hope he does.

And he called me 'my heart'. I swear I melted right there.

I giggled like a lovesick teenager at that thought.

"What's so funny?" Ezekiel asked, looking up from his phone as he leaned against the headboard.

Right. He must think I am crazy for laughing like this randomly.

"Nothing." I bit my lips. "I just remembered something."

He looked down at his phone, grimacing he glanced at me. "Can you please tell Marcelo to stop threatening me?"

I climbed onto the bed and sat beside him, peeking into his phone.

'You make her cry one more time and I am going to fucking castrate you then chop you up and throw your body pieces in places where Uncle or Cyrus won't ever be able to even search.'

"That sounds painful," I commented with a chuckle.

He gave me a pointed look. "Him as my brother-in-law is more scarier than having you as my wife."

I gasped. "What do you mean it's scary to have me as your wife? I still haven't forgiven you for what you did and you think it's a good thing to antagonize me anymore?"

"No! I was just kidding. I didn't mean that."

Honestly, I wasn't offended but it was amusing to see him getting so flustered.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I'll let this slide this time."

He sighed in relief and offered me a small smile which disappeared when I glared at him.

I grabbed my phone and sent a message to Marcelo. 'Stop threatening my husband. We already talked and he apologized.'

Not even a minute passed and instead of me getting a reply, Ezekiel received a message directly from Marcelo.

'Stop complaining to her like a bitch.'

Ezekiel pressed his lips into a grim line which made me laugh. "Now, I am really enjoying this."

"Sure", he muttered and blocked Marcelo and kept his phone aside.

He turned his head to me and we both simply stared into each other's eyes, a comfortable silence engulfing us.

I felt his fingers brush my hand and tingles shot through my body from that little contact.

Soon, our fingers were interlocked together and involuntarily, I leaned in as if looking for a kiss.

I wish he kisses me. I want it more than anything else now.

My eyes half closed when his breath fell over my lips and I was so ready to have my first kiss if only his phone had not rung.

Our eyes snapped open and we awkwardly moved apart, him instantly grabbing his phone and going out to the balcony to take the call.

I sighed, disappointed. Maybe some other time.

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