Eleven | Birthday

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"Wait--" she whirled around to face me, "--you have a beach house here too?"

"Yes. The one your father owns is nearby too."

"That's why this beach looks familiar." She murmured, glancing around.

Rome is a beautiful city and so are its beaches and growing up I was really fascinated with it so once we were rich enough, Dad bought us a beach house here with some help from Uncle.

"Let's go." I placed my palm on her lower back to guide her forward.

The wind made her hair blow gently, causing it to tickle my chest and a warm, sweet smell wafted up to my nose.

Not able to help, I leaned down and sniffed her hair softly, filling my lungs with that mouthwatering smell, something like vanilla and coconut.

Her head jerked back and I straightened immediately as her eyes narrowed at me. "Did you just sniff me?"

"Why would I do that?" I feigned innocence.

"I just heard you sniff." She pointed out.

"There you go, flattering yourself again. I was smelling the sea, not you."

She huffed and looked away, continuing to walk along the sea.


We soon reached our beach house which I had made sure was already cleaned and stocked with everything we might need.

We soon reached our beach house which I had made sure was already cleaned and stocked with everything we might need

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I felt relieved seeing the look of satisfaction on her face when we entered inside. At least she likes it.

Seeing her happy and satisfied with everything I give her makes me feel relieved and contented.

Now that she is my wife, I have this primal urge to provide for her.

I like having her dependent on me. It's not like I disapprove of her becoming independent. She will be starting college soon and if she goes on to do a job she will become independent but still I want to provide for her. Buy her things.

I shook away those thoughts and focused on her as she explored the house.

"Since we are in Italy, there is no way you are going to refuse to have pizza for dinner or else I will..." She paused, contemplating how to threaten me.

Tapping her chin with her finger, she looked around until her eyes fell on the sea, beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows. "...drown you."

Standing there in a floral summer dress and her hair down, she looked like the most innocent little girl which made the threat all the more amusing.

Destined For You (The Ludovica Siblings #3)Where stories live. Discover now