Thirteen | Pictures

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"But you promised," I whined.

"Yes, I did. I told you we can go out tomorrow. I have a conference call in half an hour and then we have to attend that event tonight. Tomorrow, we can do whatever you want."

"Promise?" I held up my pinkie finger.

His lips twitched in amusement as he hooked his pinkie finger with mine. "Promise."

"Okay, now you can go. I am going to swim for a while." Leaving him alone so that he could work, I headed upstairs to change so that I could go swimming.

In the study, where Ezekiel was sitting behind his desk, to his left was the floor-to-ceiling window which gave a clear view of the beach meaning I could feel his eyes on me when I walked out on the beach in my bikini.

I flung a look over my shoulder and sure enough, I found his gaze on me. He sat behind his desk, dressed in a grey suit, his laptop opened in front of him but he wasn't paying any attention to it. 

His elbows rested on the desk, his fingers locked together and placed under his chin. He watched me with such intensity that butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

Gulping, I looked away and walked into the water.

I don't know how long I spent in the water but when I came out, my skin was pruned and my limbs felt heavy.

Ezekiel was still in the study, this time focused on his laptop as he seemed to be saying something.

I went inside to take a shower and as I contemplated what to wear, I found one of Ezekiel's white t-shirts which felt so soft and comfortable that without any second thought, I wore it.

It fell to my mid-thighs and smelled just like him.

I decided to take a nap so that I don't feel sleepy later at the event but as I scrolled through my DMs on Insta my mood soured when I found one from my ex-classmate, Stacy.

I rolled my eyes as I opened the picture she sent me. Of her and her boyfriend kissing at some park.

She always used to tell me indirectly how bad it is to be single, how boring it must be. And she used to go on and on about her boyfriend and she always sends me these pictures just to mock me.

After cursing her for a minute, I decided to send her my wedding pictures. That would shut her mouth.

But the moment I looked at our wedding pictures, I frowned.

I mean, they are good but if you look closely enough and I know she will, you could clearly point out that Ezekiel and I were not getting the pictures clicked willingly.

Maybe I should have smiled more.

I chewed on my lips and ruminated about what to do.

What if I take a few pictures with Ezekiel right now? He wouldn't mind, right?

So, with my phone, I wandered down to his study and after knocking once, went inside.

His eyes lifted to meet mine and he frowned subtly and his gaze travelled down my body.

Right, I am wearing his T-shirt.

Cocking his head, he curled his index and middle finger at me in a 'come here' motion.

My blood warmed at that and I was immediately walking to him.

I watched him mute and switch off his camera as I came to stand beside him.

A woman was speaking about something on the other side but he paid her no attention.

"Um..." I played with the hem of his t-shirt. "I wanted to wear something comfortable that's why I wore this."

Destined For You (The Ludovica Siblings #3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora