Chapter 11

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When I woke up, Harry was still fast asleep. I had decided to go prepare him some breakfast, so I travelled down the stairs as quietly as possible to make sure I didn't wake Harry up. I finally arrived to the kitchen and started searching for what foods he had. Harry's fridge and pantry had a lot of food, so I had what I needed in order to make his breakfast.

I decided to make Harry scrambled eggs with cheese. I started cooking. I observed the surroundings of the kitchen and noticed that it was quite filthy. There were dirty plates in the sink with food sticking to them. The counters had stains and the floor was still slightly damp from yesterday. I took responsibility of the mess and cleaned everything up.

Once I was done, the eggs were just about ready, so I grabbed two plates. I was placing the eggs on the plates when I heard footsteps on the stairs. I heard bear feet walking on the hardwood floors. In walked a very sleepy Harry.

"Good morning, love." Harry stretched while rubbing his eyes. He then sat down at the table.

"Morning Harry! How did you sleep?" I asked while placing his plate in front of him.

"Quite well. You made me breakfast? You didn't have to do that." Harry said widening his eyes, "But it does smell delicious."

"Thank you. I wanted to make you something! I know the feeling to wake up to a meal, and I wanted to do something special for you." I smiled while sitting down next to him with my plate.

"Oh, well you're amazing." Harry said digging into his food, "...and so is your cooking."

I chuckled at his compliments. "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself."

We finished our food and I went to take Harry's plate, but he brushed my hand away.

"No no no. You're the guest here. Allow me." Harry smiled taking my plate as well. "You washed the dishes, too?" Harry turned around and stared at me in amazement.

I nodded while sipping into my tea. "I also cleaned the counters and dried up the floors."

"That's actually really incredible. Thank you so much." Harry said washing our plates.

"It was no problem at all. Really." I smiled.

Once Harry finished, he sat down next to me with a cup of tea. We quietly sat there slowly sipping. It wasn't awkward at all though. It was quite peaceful.

"I'm taking you out tonight." Harry stated. Wasn't even a question.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm going to take you out on a proper date considering we haven't done that, yet." Harry cheekily smiled.

"Just you and me?"

"Just you and me." Harry replied.

"Sounds incredible. Where are we going?" I asked with excitement.

"That is a surprise. Just dress lovely like you always do." Harry complimented.

"Ok. I'm excited." I smiled while thinking what could possibly happen.

"You should be. It's going to be amazing. I promise." Harry said.

Harry drived me home right after our breakfast. He said that he was going to pick me up at 6, so I had plenty of time to prepare for our date.

I went up to my flat. I felt like I hadn't been here in ages. It was quiet, so I plugged in my iPhone and started blasting music. It wasn't loud enough that people would complain, though. I danced around and sang. I wasn't much of a musician, but that's why I only sing and dance when I'm alone.

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