Chapter 10

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I just ate pizza and I'm really happy. Ok sooooo here's the next chapter!


Juliann, Harry and I walked up to his door about to enter Harry's house. I glanced over at Juliann, and she seemed really excited. She was shaking and couldn't take the large smile off her face.

"Calm down. They'll love you." I whispered to her while nudging her. She sent be a smile back and started to shake less.

Harry opened the door. "After you." He said gesturing for both of us to enter. We all walked in to see the rest of the boys sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Anna!" Louis shouted running up to hug me.

"Louis!" I replied in the same tone. I hugged him back tightly.

"Who's that girl?" Louis whispered staring at Juliann.

I pulled away from the hug and saw Juliann standing in the corner just staring at Louis. "Oh. Everyone! This is my friend, Juliann. Juliann, this is Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn." I said.

"Hi! Wow. I can't believe I'm meeting you guys. Can I please get a hug from all of you?" Juliann asked.

The boys just smiled. "Of course." Niall said standing up walking towards my friend.

The other boys came up to her and they each took a turn hugging Juliann. She seemed so unbelievably happy to be hugging her idols.

"Thank you!" She said with joy. The boys just smiled back at her.

"So, how do you know Anna?" Niall asked.

"We went to university together." Juliann replied.

"Ahh." The boys nodded. "What were you studying?" Liam questioned my friend.

"I'm studying to be a doctor." Juliann said.

"Oh, so you're still study-" Liam started.

"How old are you?" Niall interupted.

"I'm 19." Juliann laughed a little.

"Oh. I thought you were older, but you're just our age. Ok." Niall said with no disappointment in his voice. He actually sounded pleased.

"Alright. To get to know our new friend better, I say we should make teams, and play a game." Harry said with a darkness in his tone.

"I know what game we should play." Zayn said with a smirk.

I knew what game Zayn was talking about. I looked at the rest of the boys and they seemed to know, too. It was a game I used to play with Harry and a few of our old friends. I looked at Juliann and she had the most confused look on her face it was almost humorous.

"There are seven of us, meaning that there will be a group of three." I said looking around.

"Me and Liam will be on the same team." Zayn said putting his arm around Liam's shoulder.

"I'll be with Harry." I said while standing next to him. "Now the three of you decide if you want to join a team, or be a team of three." I explained.

"I'll be with you guys!" Louis shouted walking over towards Harry and I.

"Alright. That's fair." Harry said. "Niall, you are a pro, and you must help out Juliann. Got it?"

Niall nodded. "To the kitchen!" Niall shouted running.

We all followed into the kitchen to get our supplies. Harry went under the sink and took out five water guns. Our team got two, Niall's team got two, and Zayn's team got one.

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