Chapter 1.

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It was a nice day out today. The cool breezy air flowing through my hair. It was getting closer to winter and so I was wearing a sweater along with my comfy black vest. I was talking a stroll around Ottawa, walking on the sidewalks in the city, and now through a small park. The fall leaves crunching under my feet as I walked. There weren't a lot of people here, their never were. Not a lot of people ever came around here, so you deemed it your special spot. Whenever my uncle had gone too far with his 'punishments' as he likes to call them. I would always sneak out afterwards and come here. No matter what the time of day.

There was a little pond, only a couple of fish inside. I had always envied them in a way, they didn't have to carry the burden of others on their shoulders. They didn't have to bring home their drunken uncle from the bar everytime he got to drunk to come home by himself. They had simple lives.

I wish I was a fish

But sadly, I wasn't. I was a human, one with a terrible life. Abusive alcoholic uncle, no friends, and a family that for all I knew were dead. There was this one lady, her name was Lilith. She had told me that she was a friend of my moms, that they had known each other for their entire lives. She said that her name was Nina. And that she had died when I was a baby during childbirth. So she had taken me to my uncle. She was like a real mom to me. Always feeding me dinner on the nights my uncle was at a bar, or letting me vent to her about all my problems at school. She was amazing. When I had come over one night around midnight, she had learned about my uncles abusive ways, I had bruises lining my arms and legs, and cuts across my face. She had said that she was going to call the police the next morning to inform them on my situation. I had stayed at her house that night, But when I woke up the following morning, she was no where to be found. It was like she had vanished off the face of the earth.

After that I knew that there was no one else in this world that would help me. So eventually I stopped asking.

As I was walking back home from the park, I got this weird feeling. Not like they say in movies, the feeling you get in your stomach or like something was wrong. Fuck that shit. It was the feeling of someone watching me. And I knew that I wasn't just being paranoid, because out of my peripheral vision that there was a guy, tall, built, wearing all black, that was indeed following me. "Really? That's all I need. Someone following me home to come and kill me" I muttered to myself, rolling my eyes and the person.

I was walking up to my front door step, key in hand, when I heard a crash from inside the house. I immediately unlocked the door after that, knowing that it was probably my uncle going around breaking shit again. But strangely, as I walked into the house, there was no one in sight. "Uncle Mike!" I yelled trying to see if he was truly home or not. Though I didn't get an answer.

I slowly closed the door behind me and walked further into the house. As I walked into the living room, nothing looked out of the sorts. Beer bottles and crushed cans all over the coffee table and carpet. But still, no one in sight. I was starting to get a little nervous, I was sure that I had heard a crash coming from inside the house. But maybe it was from next door.

After leaving the living room, I walking into the kitchen. Going to find a quick snack, it being around 13:00, I was getting a little peckish. But as soon as I as I closed the fridge door and turned around, I saw the lifeless body of my uncle staring back at me.

I dropped the bottle of ice tea on the ground. The glass shards going everywhere. But all I could do was stare at him. I brought my hand up to my mouth, in pure shock. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I wasn't usually the person to cry, and who would have thought that I would be crying over my dead uncle. The one who had abused me almost my entire life.  But I couldn't help it. There was a dead body staring right back at me. I had froze in shock. That being the reason that I didn't hear the person come up from behind me and put their hand on my mouth, trying to make me socome to darkness.

The maknae mafia princessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon