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It was a dark windy night, the trees branches all around we flowing in the wind.  Running throughout the forest, there were multiple sets of feet that could be heard.

"Nina!"  She heard someone calling her name, but she wouldn't look back, not for even a second. She was on the run, it was hard enough with a new born born baby cuddled up sleeping soundly in her arms. The only thing that was going through her mind was

She had to get away

These people who were following her were bad, they wanted to take her baby from her because of all the power she would hold once she was older.

They wanted to take her baby girl and use her for evil, and that was never going to happen. She would die before she ever let that happen.

As she was running she could hear the running steps getting closer and closer to where she was, but she wouldn't stop, she heard the sound of a gun shot not to far away from her, but she knew that it wasn't meant for as now she could hear one less pair of feet stomping on the ground.

Another one, and another, each time the world around her getting quieter and quieter.

"Nina!" Her breath hitched, "Nina, where are you? It's Lilith!" That was when she knew she was finally okay to stop running. As Nina slowed down her pace, she came upon a tree. Out of breath, she pushed her back against it and slowly slid down until she was sitting on the cold hard ground.

She looked down at the peaceful looking baby that was some how still sleeping calmly in her arms. There was a rustling in the in the bushes as she heard the sound of feet running towards her, but she didn't look up, knowing exactly who it was. She just wanted to spend her last moments with her little girl. The little girl who she would never see grow up.

"Nina! Oh thank god your alright" Lilith let out a shaky breath as she slid into her knees and onto the ground in front of the two. Lilith was Nina's best friends. She knew she could be trusted with her life and her babies life. "Lilith," Nina said, taking in a breath, trying to not wake up the sleeping beauty in her arms.

"I need you to take her for me"

Lilith looked at her with wide eyes, she then noticed the blood that was spilt across her friends hands, "what? No no no no, what's wrong?" Nina moved
y/n away from her body so her bullet wound could be visible. A bullet was shot in her lower stomach from one of the men before she had started running, along the way she had lost so much blood that is was taking a lot of energy for her to just keep her eyes open right now.

"Lilith,"  she let out a shaky breath, "you need to take y/n, bring her somewhere safe, away from all of this" she didn't want to leave her baby but she knew that if she attempted to go with them, she would just slow them down and they would get caught by the enemy. "No nina we can make it out of here together, please I can't lose you" Lilith had tears brimming her eyes, she didn't want to leave her friend here.

"Lilith you have to, please. You have to take her, get her somewhere safe, she doesn't deserve to live this life. Please. There no hope for me anymore, but I cannot, let my baby die along with me" Lilith was lost for words. All she could do was nod as she finally let the tears drop from her eyes as she watched for best friend take her final breaths.

Nina looked back down her when she was holding the cute little baby in her arms, she gently brought her up to give her one final kiss on her forehead before handing her over to Lilith. "Goodbye my sunshine, grow up and have a wonderful life. Always know that mommy loves you."  And with the, Nina's head slowly tilted to the side, and one last breath could be heard.

Lilith watched and cried, but she knew she couldn't stay there for long. She had killed the three men who were chasing Nina, but she knew that they had called for backup. Almost as if on queue, she could hear the sets of feet in the distance and the murder of voices heading in their direction.

With the sleeping baby in her arms, Lilith stood up and took one final glance at her childhood friend, before running off , never looking back.

She could hear once they had made it to Nina's body, "this is the mother, someone else must have taking the baby, find her now, bring them both of them to me alive."

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