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"what were you gonna do? hit her?"

"no, i just had some good verbal comebacks ready." lorelai took a sip of the nasty coffee she was presented with at the meeting at chilton. "it- it just keeps getting worse."

"not drinking it is always an option," the teacher advised her.

"not in my world," she smiled.

"im max medina," he introduced himself as he outstretched his hand for her to shake.

"nice to meet you," she shook his hand.

"i apologize for the behavior of some of our guests. its a tense time for some people," he endorsed.

"the SAT season?" lorelai asked.

"the waking hours," he joked making lorelai release a small giggle.

"are you this nice to my kids?" she asked.

ah, its easy. rory and paisley are sweet girls," he commended.

"really? paisleys. . . ?" she pointed her finger in the air as she tilted her head. "strange,"

medina laughed as she pulled her further away from the group. "how are they liking chilton?"

"oh they love it. paisley especially. she would love it more if they wouldve put her in the advanced classes we told them. rory does too." lorelai rambled before continuing.


"i mean its an adjustment of course i mean paisleys away from her best friend of more than 16 years now but shes always wanted to go to MIT and rorys always wanted to go to harvard. this is how they'll get there," she nodded.

"MIT?" he sounded impressed.

"yea, at first i thought paisley would go to harvard with rory but as they got older they grew apart. paisley decided that she wanted to go to college in massachusetts after watching hocus pocus over and over and over again because she wanted to be near salem. when she was about 9 she came to me and said she wanted to the to the massachusetts institute of technology and i thought to myself 'how does my 9 year old even comprehend what college she wants to go to?' " she laughed.

medina smiled at that. he thought the school sounded like a marvelous choice for the young gifted gilmore of his class. "its an amazing school. and you said rory wants to go to harvard?"

"yea. ever since she could crawl, i really wanted her to go there. i wanted paisley to go to but see when they were about 4 i bought them both harvard sweatshirts but of course they were too big. paisley never touched hers but rory used it as a blanket and then as a makeshift diaper on a shopping trip and now ive told you a story that would so mortify rory, she'll kill me when she finds out," she rambled.

"dont tell her then, our little secret?" he leaned back and asked.

"i appreciate that," lorelai smiled as she walked past him to examine a case.

"so, are you a B-52s girl?" he asked.

lorelais eyes widened when she realized and let out an embarrassed laugh as she looked down. "no," she scrunched her nose in embarrassment. "im a klutz girl who should not drive with coffee in her hand. i- i uhm, had this in the car," she turned around and set the cup on the desk.

"you know, i hope the girls adjust to this place. we need them here, paisley especially. i mean shes caught up extraordinarily quickly, as if she needed no catch up at all," he nodded. it was true, when he was grading and came across her paper he expected to be met with many mistakes but was amazed at the writing talent of paisley gilmore.

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