Chapter 43 - Missing

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"Well what do ya think?" asked Karga, nodding up towards the grand ship, standing large and imposing before the pair.

Din tilted his beskar-covered head for a moment, scrutinising it from beneath their shelter, keeping them dry from the rain that was falling heavily over the ship-yard.

"A Stinger?" he asked with a curious frown.

"I told you I'd find you something, Mando," replied Karga with a confident smirk. "And she's truly a beauty. Plenty of room for you, the kid and your lady friend. And it comes equipped with two laser cannons. Just in case you run into any trouble. Why don't you take her for a spin and see for yourself?"

Din chanced a glance at Grogu in his arms, who peered up at him with interest.

As much as Din did want to take the ship before him for a test drive, it was getting late and he was aware that Lysa would be home soon. And if she was there, then that was where he wanted to be too.

"I'll take your word for it," replied the Mandalorian with a nod, turning to his old friend. "Can you keep it here, just until I've had a chance to make some more....arrangements."

"You mean figure out how you're going to surprise her?" said Karga with an easy grin, seeing immediately through Din's words.

Behind his mask Din gave a scowl, but did not say another word to the High Magistrate. Merely walking out into the rain towards the exit to the large yard, with Grogu held safely in his arms.


A good couple of hours later, the last of the day's light had finally left the sky, leaving a dark and damp Nevarro evening.

Din Djarin was sat at his scrubbed wooden table, nursing a cup of broth between his hands, his mind on one thing only- how to surprise Lysa with his plan to take her off world.

But the closer he got to any sort of plan being finalised, the more he doubted if any of this was even a good idea.

What if, after all this, she turned around and told him that she was too busy with work? Or what if she thought he had overstepped the mark with such a stupidly grand and inconvenient gesture?

Din knew that he wasn't good at things like this at the best of the times, romantic gestures certainly never having been his forte. And now on top of that, his endless self-doubt had truly begun to set in.

Dank farrik.

Was he moving too fast? He knew that it had only been a matter of weeks since their violent run-in with Crix, ending his and Lysa's long-term relationship.

But now, here Din and Lysa were. So wrapped in one another, Din hadn't even stopped to think if he was taking things too quickly for her. On one hand, she seemed ok with it all on the surface. But since their relationship had heated, their conversations around the topic of Crix, had been pretty much non-existent.

Din cursed himself now for not digging deeper in checking that Lysa was ok with how things were moving between them. Worrying now that springing a surprise trip off planet onto her, may drive her suddenly away.

But Din was suddenly broken from these thoughts as Grogu, who sat a cushioned chair beside him at the table, let out a loud yawn.

At this Din gave an immediate frown, his eyes suddenly flitting to the viewport to his right, noticing at once how late it had gotten and how dark the sky had grown.

It was unusual for Lysa to still be out this late, a long time after the sky had darkened above them. But with the storm earlier today he didn't doubt that she had needed a little extra time to make the last of her deliveries.

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