Chapter 35 - Aching for one another

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Lysa lay awake, staring up at the dark ceiling. The starlight outside casting a pale blue sheen over the sleeper.

It was a warm and humid night, and Lysa had long-since thrown off the sheets, lying there in just her undergarments.

Her mind on Din Djarin.

Longing for him now, in the early hours of the morning, when the planet around her felt so still and quiet.

Her mind on how it had felt to have him pressed up against her, his strong and lean form pinning her to the counter in their playful exchange.

Lysa knew full well that had it not been for Grogu's interruption, a line would likely have been crossed. With both adults practically aching for one another during the brief moments before Din had left for Mandalore.

But doubt seemed to linger in the forefront of her mind now as she lay on the bed, unable to sleep.

With Din unable to remove his helmet, Lysa wasn't even sure he would be happy to delve into a physical relationship.

Surely a travelled man like him would not be celibate? Likely having his fair share of women over the years. But Lysa's heart seemed to hurt now- thinking on Din with another. For she knew she was too far gone for that. Jealousy having cut it's way into her, when he had spoken with such reverence about the leader of Mandalore - Bo Katan.

Lysa had briefly heard him mention her name before, but on this occasion a hollow feeling had settled in the pit of her stomach. Presuming that there was something more between Bo and Din.

Jealousy could be an foul thing to feel at any time. But when doubt was in play, Lysa found it a terribly difficult thing to swallow.

But Din had thankfully reassured Lysa that this was not the case, and she had been happy with that, sensing that his heart may reside with someone a little more close to home. And Lysa had not been able to help the smile that had drifted across her face and the feelings that swarmed inside of her at that.

If Din felt even an ounce of the affection she felt for him in return. Then she knew that they were both done for.

Din Djarin had truly changed her life.

He had saved her when she had thought she was long past saving.

And each moment she spent with him now, Lysa felt herself falling for him. Not that she hadnt already been caught in his spell from the first moment she had met him.

Din had been a breath of fresh air, in amongst the pain and the suffering that she endured every day.

And he had shown her that there was someone out there who could treat her far better than she had ever been treated by any man.

Lysa had spent so many years living in the shadows. And yet now, with Din, she felt as though he had helped her step out of the darkness and into the sun's warming rays once more.

She adored him. And as the days had slipped by, that adoration seemed to be turning into something far more desperate and yearning.

Lysa wanted him, aching for his touch.

Even now, lying here, still, she could smell his heady scent clinging to the sheets below her, like ocean water and burning driftwood. Intoxicating her.

Lysa closed her eyes, taking in a deep moaning breath, perspiration beading at the nape of her neck as she thought of him now.

Imagining what it would feel to have him hovering over her, strong arms pinning her to the mattress below, possessive and wanting.

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