Chapter 24 - A poorer man

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All the breath suddenly got pulled from Din Djarin's lungs, his dark eyes widening behind his beskar helmet, as Crix Val'shif pointed his blaster at Lysa and fired.

It happened so fast, that Din didn't even have time to reach for the gun at his own belt.

In fact, he didn't even have time to move.

Having dealt with the gang outside, Din had seen Lysa's speeder heading towards the cabin, knowing exactly why she would go there.

He had followed her of course, fearful of what Crix was capable of doing. But Din had lingered in the shadows...mindful of what Bo Katan had told him. That this was not his fight. It was Lysa's.

And Din wanted to give her the chance to stand up to Crix. For her to see him for the monster he truly was.

But Din had never wanted this.

He and Lysa both visibly flinched at the sound of the blaster, a look of horror crossing Lysa's beautiful, distraught features, as the gun was fired directly towards her heart.

And Din could only watch in horror.

Watching as the only other thing he cared for in this galaxy got torn from him.

But suddenly... was as if everything stopped.

The world around them, standing eerily still.



...not the world...

Din parted his lips, his eyes wide, staring in disbelief, as the red blaster shot, that had been fired from Crix's gun, now hovered in the air in front of Lysa.

He could hear it humming.

Thrumming in the air, desperate to land where it should have...

...yet something was holding it back.

Something...or someone?

Din's eyes travelled slowly down to his feet... see Grogu stood there between his legs, tiny arms flung out, eyes almost closed...

...holding the blaster shot in place.

Using...what had Ashoka Tano called it? The force?

Well whatever it was, both Lysa and Crix Val'shif stared in wonder and utter disbelief at the shot...just hanging there.

Din saw Lysa's eyes look first to the red blast and then to Grogu...her eyes wide and bewildered looking. Suddenly seeing Grogu for the powerful being he was...not just the small and weak child everyone presumed him to be.

But before any of them could make a move, the beam suddenly shot backwards on itself...

...hitting the blaster it had been fired from with an almighty bang.

Crix Val'shif let out another crying yell of pain, dropping the now-blackened and destroyed gun.

Lysa, who, with the sound, had covered her face with her arms. Lowered them slowly now, visibly shaking, as she staggered backwards, her legs hitting the table behind her. Before letting out an uncontrollable sob.

Din swallowed hard. Moving to her instantly and pulling her close to him.

Enveloping her within his arms.

And as Din held her tightly, he couldn't help but let out the breath that he felt he had been holding for several long minutes.

She was safe.

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