Chapter 36 - Home

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(*This chapter contains NSFW content. 18+ only.*)

It was late by the time Din Djarin set his N-1 Naboo Starfighter down, just twenty feet or so from his small dark cabin, set amongst the lava flats of the Nevarro desert.

Din felt the humidity and heat of the night hit him the moment he jumped down from the ship, a sleeping Grogu nestled sweetly in his arms, where he had been, for practically the entire duration of their journey home.

Chasing down the rogue TIE-fighter had taken a little over a day, with Din's pulse wave rifle coming in very handy in taking down the ship and its smuggler pilot, leaving them in the capable hands of Bo Katan and the other residents of Mandalore to deal with.

Bo Katan had of course offered him a place to stay for the evening. But she had smiled knowingly as Din had told her he wanted to return to Nevarro promptly, under the obviously-false pretence of ensuring that all was well on the planet he now called home. When the truth of the matter was, all he wanted to do was get home and see Lysa. As if his very life depended on it.

He had been aching for her since he'd left Nevarro just two nights ago. And returning here now, there was only one person on his mind.

Strolling up the steps towards the small house, Din approached the door as it slid open before him.

The cabin was dark, with Din knowing that with the lateness of the hour, Lysa was likely in bed, perhaps asleep.

As he entered into his small home, he made straight for Grogu's bedroom, noting a fresh and appetising loaf of bread sat upon the dining table, as he passed it.

The door to Grogu's small sleeper slid open, to reveal his son's cosy bed, illuminated by the satellite viewport situated above it.

Din placed the still-sleeping Grogu neatly down onto the bed, not bothering with any covers considering the heat, and pressed a button just below the viewport accusing the shutters to slide closed. The room instantly fell into complete darkness. Din hovered for a moment, considering this, before turning and leaving the room.

Back out in the living space, all felt quiet, not a sound being made in the dark-room save for Din's heart thumping in his chest as he made up his mind on where to go next.

If this had been just a week ago, Din would not have hesitated to remain out here, settling himself on the stiff couch for the night, or perhaps even declining sleep altogether. All to ensure Lysa was not disturbed by him.

But now he wanted to disturb her...and he knew that she would want that too. His mind flitting back to the last words she had said to him before he'd left...

"I need you."

That was all it had taken for Din to know that she felt as strongly for him as he did for her.

Those three words with so much meaning behind them, the look in her eyes and the way her hand had touched him, filling in the gaps so easily.

And so now, he would no longer linger out here alone, offering her space. Instead he wanted the opposite. To close the gap between them until there was nothing left at all.

And so taking a deep breath, Din placed his hand to the switch, causing the door to his sleeper to side open with a hiss.

Seeing movement, Din blinked as his eyes settled upon the gorgeous figure of Lysa, propping herself up onto her elbows suddenly, her lips parting in a look of surprise at his sudden presence.

Dank Farrik.

She looked utterly mouth-watering. Her long honey-coloured hair, loose and tousled around her shoulders, and her eyes lidded and sultry-looking as she stared back at him.

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