31st July 2023

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I'm planning to study in Kuala Lumpur city. My brother will put a show somewhere in Korea

That's it, My father and people around help me plan and manage stuff such as registration fee and the apartment to live there. Looks small but enough for 4 person live under it. Looks like RM600 monthly or something but most fee is going for the study and academy.

I have to prepare alot set of clothes, toothbrush, chargers. Most importantly, my laptop. It's going to be used for the stuff I'm studying because it's mostly digitally and computery. I have to adopt different life there and take alot of responsibility unlike how I am taking at home, felt guilty that my parents are helping me pay most of the fee. But I will cover partially with the money I earned from YouTube channel.

Leaving my PS5 at home for my younger brother to play. Well, I want it I could try Remote play using a bluetooth connected controller. I'll have everything prepared before prorated in 6th August.

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