Cheat on Astrid for Macey?

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*terrible terror flies into Hiccup's window*

Hiccup- "A message for me! About time. It says, '@toothy98 dares you to stop liking Astrid for a day and start liking Macey from Tuffnut.' Crap. Astrid will kill me and so will Tuffnut."

*later, at Astrid's house*

Hiccup- "Soooo Astrid."

Astrid- "Yes, Hiccup?"

Hiccup- "I, uh, was kinda, er, dared to stop, uh liking you. For a day."

Astrid- "Is this some sort of joke?"

Hiccup- "No, and it only gets worse. I have to START liking Macey."

Astrid- "You mean Tuffnut's mace?"

Hiccup- "Yup."

Astrid- "You can't do it."

Hiccup- "I have to. Otherwise I'll be mocked forever!"

Astrid- *smacks Hiccup, not too hard, and walks away."

*later, at Tuffnut's house*

Hiccup- "Soooooo Tuff... I was kinda dared to stop liking Astrid and uhhh start liking Macey... Just for a day!"

Tuffnut- "And what makes you think I'd give up my beautiful Macey for some dare?"

Hiccup- "Uhhhhh... I don't really know, maybe the fact that I will lose my honor (had to think of Zuko here) and reputation and everything I've ever had?

Tuffnut- "And I would lose part of my soul if I willingly gave up Macey to another man."

Hiccup- "I thought you'd say that, so it won't be willingly."

Ruffnut- *sneaks up from behind Tuffnut, knocks him out with a hammer, puts a sack over his head, and ties him to the wall*

Hiccup- "Thanks Ruff."

Ruffnut- "That wasn't for you, I just really wanted to knock out Tuffnut."

Hiccup- *sits there awkwardly*
*grabs Macey and walks off to his house*

Macey- *sighs to herself and lets a tear drop for Tuffnut*

Hiccup- *after he gets home*
"Soooo Macey... Tuffnut seems to be totally fallen for you. I kinda have to like you for now, so um... You wanna do some... activities together? (Heh heh couldn't help the ATLA reference).

Macey- *resists the urge to run off to Tuffnut*

Hiccup- "I take that as a yes. How about a nice flight around the island? Toothless! Here bud!"

Toothless- ~~Oh great, now I'm flying Hiccup's new date around. A mace, at that.~~
*trudges over to Hiccup*

Hiccup- *mounts Toothless with Macey and they fly off*
"Too bad this flight isn't with Astrid... Oops I mean... Man, you look nice Macey! New hairstyle or something?"

Macey (still a mace)- *groans*

Hiccup- "Toothless stop groaning. I know I suck at all things girls but you don't have to be so rude about it."

Toothless- ~~Hey maybe Macey IS real! I sure didn't groan...~~

Hiccup- "OK bud time to land, I think Macey's had enough flying."

*meanwhile, at Tuffnut's house*

Tuffnut- *slowly opens his eyes, having regained consciousness*
*busts the ropes and chains that Ruff tied him with using his newfound strength, born of his love for Macey*

Hiccup- "You hear that screaming, bud? Sounds like Tuffnut woke up."

Tuffnut- *bursts a hole through the wall and dashes to Hiccup's house at 85 mph* (thats like maybe 160 kph?)

Hiccup- "Ohhhh Sugar Honey Iced Tea! Tuffnut escaped! Toothless, get us outta here! To that iceberg we trapped the Skrill in! Quick!"

Toothless- *flies as fast as he can to the iceberg*

Tuffnut- *roars like a Boneknapper and runs so fast he goes right over the sea*

Hiccup- "Faster, bud! Tuffnut's catching up!!!"

Tuffnut- *leaps from the ocean all the way up to Toothless, lands, punches Hiccup off of Toothless, grabs Macey, and hops off to run her home*

Toothless- *crashes into the sea because Hiccup isn't there to fly him*

*later, at Tuffnut's house*

Ruffnut- "You're insane!"

Tuffnut- "Why thank you."

Ruffnut- "You almost killed Hiccup and ya Toothless because of Macey!"

Tuffnut- "Yep."

Ruffnut- "You like maces more than people!"

Tuffnut- "For the millionth time, Macey isn't just a mace!"

Ruffnut- (sarcastically) "Sorry."

Tuffnut- "I don't forgive you. You've hurt Macey's feelings. Didn't she hurt your feelings Macey?"

Macey- (using Tuffnut's weird Macey voice) "No not really Tuff."

Tuffnut- "Oh really? Ok then. You're forgiven, Ruff."

Ruffnut- "You're a freak."

Tuffnut- "I know. Thanks."

Ruffnut- *storms out the door*

Macey- *turns into human*
"Jeez Tuff your sister just doesn't get me, does she?"

Tuffnut- "Nope. But I do."

Author- Annnnddddddd pause. This is a dare book, not a romance. I'm not gonna go into detail about what happens next. I can't write romance. Sooooo Buffnut out! I'm not saying peace because that's for hippies and Jippies!

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