Then an year went by. Effort after effort, trying to be the reason she laughed. Second year, he did get to be part of the reasons she laughed. Third year, they all laughed together, and just the two of them. Fourth year, he was the only reason she laughed, her only happiness. That's also when they fell in love, it was beautiful and painful, unlike anything he'd felt before.

When fifth year came, they'd started planning a future together, she laughed a lot and cried a lot. Come sixth year, she laughed a lot less and cried a lot more, he'd been a coward and pushed her away. Away and into someone else's arms.

Sirius never heard Jazebal laugh again, even if she did, he wasn't the reason anymore. He was never ever going to be again. That's when Lucien came into her life, a gentleman, far more deserving that Sirius. He started to make her smile again.

Lucien always loved her from afar, but never tried come between the lovers. Then he became Jazebal's refuge, a steady shoulder to lean on. So they fell in love and Sirius watched. But he never held a grudge against the Scamander.

Soon the Wizarding war flared up. And everything went to hell. Harry and Tristan were born, and the tragedy struck James and lily were killed. Sirius was thrown into Azkaban, where he dreamed of that laughter, a price memory that even the dementors couldn't tear away from him.

“I've left your clothes here.” Sirius heard Jazebal say, outside the bathroom.

Once he'd dressed, he came into the living room, which led to the the kuchen. Jazebal was shuffling away in there. She turned around and saw him, then paused as if caught off guard.

“You look...much better.” She shook her head and turned around, quickly hiding her face from him.

“Sit down. You must be starving, I've made breakfast.”

Sirius took a seat and laughed lowly.

“You can cook now?” He raised a quizzical brow.

Jazebal turned around with an unimpressed smile.

“I can. Now don't be mean to me or I'll poison you.”

She got into setting the table.

“That won't be necessary. I'm sure your cooking is enough.”
Sirius laughed again.

Jazebal scoffed.

“Keep it up and I'm turning you in.” She warned.

Sirius held his hand up in surrender. They ate in silence for a few moments. Then Sirius laughed.

“What?” Jazebal looked up from her plate.

“Your cooking has certainly improved from the time you almost burnt down the Potter's kitchen.”
Sirius took a sip of his water.

Jazebal laughed too.

“Yeah, James never let me forget it, ever.”

They both paused, it was the first time James's name come up in their conversation. It also came with a bitter truth that whatever they did to rebuild everything, nothing would ever be the same.

Jazebal sighed, blinking rapidly to keep herself from tearing up. He kept her head low, pushing her food around in her plate.

“I've got you something.” Jazebal said, breaking the silence once more.

One they had finished eating, Jazebal went to the living room and took a wand out of her bag.

“This used to be Lucien's, he didn't want it to be buried with him. You can keep it until we find a way to get you a new one from Olivander.”

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