Chapter 16: She-Wolf Princess

Start from the beginning

"Wait, you mean that...I thought she will return back from her trip in month!"-Athanasia

"I-I guess I and Diana underestimate her motherly instincts... Mamá is here"-Nayeli

"Well, I guess Mother in Law has arrived"-Lucas

Meanwhile with Diana

'Okay, I thought I was going get...I don't know with Claude but looks like he just was teasing me and wanted to kiss me. I wanna kill him but now, I have to save him from her!!!!' Diana narrating as seeing the light pink fur wolf snarls at Claude while he was pinned down by the wolf.

This was bad, really bad now.

"You!!! You little and cocky shit! What are you doing what's mine?! Looks like you really wanna die today?!" The wolf speak with a husky and deep voice that makes the wolf mistaken for a male.

When she was definitely a female.

'What the hell?! That wolf talks? It's a beastman, no...this thing is different, Diana is still here! I have to get her out before this mug attacks her!' Claude thought as he soon his magic, striking her through her body with lighting strike that shocked Diana in horror.

"Claude, don't!!!! Don't hurt her!!!!" Diana shouted as getting Claude off guard before his hand was pinned by her paw as the wolf growls at him curiously and seeing that his magic didn't hurt her at all.

"You really think your human magic can kill me?! You arrogant shit! I can't be harm by your pathetic human magic!!!" She snarls at him as Claude groans which he couldn't teleport due to her.

The wolf was about to bite him unlit Diana grabbed her and pushed her away from Claude as he sat up in pure surprise.

"Stop! Just stop, Indie! He wasn't hurting me! Don't kill him! Please, his people needs him, even Athy needs him the most!" Diana pleads with the wolf as Claude was to tell her to get away while the wolf looks at Diana in pure confusion.

"Diana, this pathetic high level bastard who I know he's a ruler tried to do something on you! Do I look I give a shit about his people needing him?! They can find his relatives since the bastard kings often loved to screwed everything that moves! Besides, why you didn't punch him?! I taught you better!"

"I did punched him! In the guts!"

"You should've punch him lower!"

"Oh my God!"

"Who is this Athy you're preferring?" The wolf asked her which Diana froze and begun to sweat up by knowing the wolf will be loose her mind.

'Well, shit...I guess I am screwed for reals' she thought.

"Diana, who is this-"-Claude

"Your Majesty! Are you okay- HUH?! LADY DIANA?! AAAAHHH!!! A WOLF?!?!" Felix shouted after he slammed the door open with Lily being next to him, was also shocked too seeing the wolf.

'Why it had to be Sunday?' Diana thought in disbelief as shaking her head in disbelief.

Felix soon took his sword which the wolf growls and shielding Diana as Lily figures it out who was that.

"Sir Felix! Don't attack her, that will just provoke her!" Lily soon said which Felix looks at her in some shock by her words while Claude stand up which the wolf growls at him and pulled Diana away.

'As I thought, that wolf is protective of Diana? Why? And why it seems to knows her?' Claude thought as seeing the wolf snarls at him.

"What's happening?! How is Lady Diana here?! What's a wolf doing in the Princess's bedroom?! And most importantly, how is Lady Diana alive?!" Felix shouted which gets the wolf more confused as she looks at Diana.

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