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I stare at the TV in horror, frozen in shock. My fight or flight response kicks in and I attempt to get out from under the table, but what came out of the TV kept me in place for a moment.

A familiar man donning a fedora crawls out of the TV. He slowly stands back up, somehow being even more threatening than the last time I'd seen him. No! I'm done dealing with all of this! Just leave me alone!

Taking no chances, I sprint out of the hidden room, trying to get away from it all. I take random turns throughout the place, trying to create distance between me and The Thin Man. 

However, I stop when I see a light shining from inside a seemingly random room. Cautiously, but carefully I peek inside. Is that...


Six is hunched over, eating something off of the ground. Wait, no...that's not just something. That's...someone

I take a step back. Since when did she eat people? What? Why? Of course, I escape one threat and then walk into another! Just fantastic!

I take another step back when I see her slowly stand up. There's blood all over her yellow raincoat. She doesn't look shameful in the slightest.

I don't know if it was confidence, or if I just didn't care anymore, but I decided to speak my mind.

"Six!? What are you doing!?"

Seemingly startled, she turns her head over to me. She seems oddly...happy to see me. She opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I clench my fists in anger. If it wasn't for her, none of this would have happened!

"Why can't you just leave me alone!?

I try to calm my trembling voice, I don't want to show fear in front of this...this psychopath.

Six takes a cautious step toward me, but I take an immediate step back. As if I'm letting you near me! Just leave me alone already!

"Just...let's please just forget any of this ever happened...okay?" Six finally speaks after a moment of silence. "I...I may have made mistakes in the past...but-"

"Right. You killing Mono was a 'mistake', huh? What did he ever do to you?"

Six once again says nothing. 

I lower my voice. "Look, I just can't trust you anymore. Let's just both go our separate ways, and we never have to see each other ever again, is that okay?"

"N-No! I...I'm really sorry, okay? I shouldn't have done any of that. I really shouldn't have." She pauses in her words. "But...can we at least...still be friends?"

I glare at her. "No. You're just going to kill me too, aren't you? Well...I'm not gonna stick around and let it happen. Goodbye, Six."

I turn around to leave but stop in my tracks when Six speaks up again. "W-wait! Please, just...give me a chance! I-I'll make it up to you...!"

I let out a quiet sigh and turn around. "I've already told you, I won't-" I cut myself off. There's something behind Six. 

"W-what happened? Is there something behind me?" Six questions out loud. Before she can turn around and check what's behind her, a knife gets plunged through her chest. Six stands there in shock before the knife retreats and her body collapses to the ground. 

Six coughs up blood while trying to keep her eyes open. "I...I'm sorry. I'm really sorry..." She tries to say something else before a shadowy foot harshly kicks her head into the ground.  After a moment of struggle, Six finally stops moving. 

I fearfully look at who did all of this, just to see Shadow Six with a knife in their hand. They look up to me and tilt their head to the side. I go silent, fear taking out any words I could possibly manage to muster up.


I flinch and quickly turn around to meet the new voice. The Thin Man stands directly behind me, looming over me and Shadow Six. I desperately try to stop my trembling hands and speak to the man.

"W-what do you want from me...?"

For a moment, he says nothing. His eyes look sad for a second, but then he speaks up once more. 

"You need to go back in time."

I take a long moment to process what was being said. Back in time? What? That's not even possible! What is even he talking about?

Before I could speak, he continues. "You have to prevent the time loop. Don't save Six. "


Suddenly, the room starts to warp and distort all around me. "Go. Remember...don't save her. For Mono."

He pauses in his words for a moment.

"For me."

Everything goes black.

The gentle wind breezes through the air, and the rustling of the leaves makes the forest rather peaceful to watch. I sit on a tree branch, admiring the beautiful full moon in front of me.

"You saw that too, right?" I hear a voice quietly whisper to my left. "Yeah...I think so." I respond to him. Wait, this is all really...familiar?


Mono flinches in surprise. "H-hey, we have to be quiet! That guy with the mask might be nearby!"Guy with the mask?

"The Hunter? He should be dead, though...and how are you alive? I-I saw you..." I trail off, understanding what happened. The Thin Man's words echo through my mind. 

"You have to prevent the time loop. Don't save Six. "

Did he really...send me back in time? How? What? That shouldn't be possible!

I look over to Mono, who looks at me concerned. " okay? Did something happen?" I quickly hug him, holding back tears.

"Oh, a hug? I like those!" He hugs me back with a caring smile I couldn't see underneath his paper bag.

After a moment, he retracts from the hug and looks around the forest. "I think those two went over there. We have to save that kid!" He points over toward the right, between some trees.

That kid? No, no we're not saving her again.

"I-I don't think we should. I mean...that guy has a would be way too risky to save her, right?"

"How do you know they're a girl?"

"Uh...It's j-just a guess! We can't know for sure." I put my hand on his shoulder, just happy he's alive again. "I really don't think we should save them. I just have a feeling something...bad will happen."

Mono looks sad but nods understandingly. "Alright then...I trust you. I still wish we could have another friend though...we could have been this awesome trio who would face all evil!"

I let out a laugh. "I'm sure it will happen. But for now, we have each other." I notice that it's starting to rain a bit. "We should find somewhere to escape the rain, right?"

"Ah, that reminds me! I saw this umbrella nearby that we could use. Let's go get it!"

Mono jumps off of the tree branch and holds his hand out to help me down. With his help, I make it onto the flowing grass and look around for the umbrella he was talking about.

"It's over there. Here, I'll show you!" He grabs my hand once more and leads me toward the exit of the forest. "Once this rain stops, how about I make us friendship bracelets? Please?"

I laugh, with a genuine smile on my lips. 

"I'd like that."

Unlikely Infatuation (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now