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Six's POV

I finally turn my lighter back off as I exit the dark room. This new area seems rather dull looking, with a chair off to the side and a burnt-out fireplace. However, I pay this no mind as I continue forward. 

But then an idea struck me. This is probably really stupid, but it wouldn't hurt to try. "Weird dark, shadowy version of me?" I call out to it. I could care less to give it a name. 

As if it was awaiting my call, it manifests itself in front of me. Not bothering for any small talk, I ask what was on my mind. "So, where is Y/N?"

After a moment, it slowly turns its head towards the exit of the room. "But where is Y/N? Surely you can just...lead the way or something." As much as I hate asking this thing to take the lead, I would rather find Y/N sooner rather than later. Who knows what could have happened to them while I was gone?

The shadow disappears, leaving nothing in its place. As I was about to groan in frustration, the shadow reappears in the hallway to my right. Oh, so I guess it is listening to me. Despite my better judgment, I follow it into the hallway. It teleports into a room with a big mirror in the middle of the place with plastic dolls everywhere you look. Gives me bad memories.

Once I arrive in the room, it disappears once more. Is this really how it leads me to Y/N? Can they not walk or something?

I eventually had to turn my lighter back on, since I arrived in a very dark room with a big grand staircase in the center of it. Multiple rooms surround it, but the shadow doesn't enter any of them. It instead teleports up the staircase and waits for me to follow.

Once I make it up there, it then teleports even further up. At the very top, there seems to be this bright light inside some kind of container.  However, I know it can't be important as it seems the puzzle in this room is already done. Wait...does that mean-

Then the shadow motions to enter the door to my left. Thanks to there being no light in that room, it's even darker than the main floor is. With no hesitation, I walk inside. 

From what little I can see with my lighter, there seem to be books scattered all over the place. Those along with random pillars that reach the ceiling of the room.

At the end of the dark room, there's a chair leaning against the wall just below a lever. Y/N has to be nearby, why else would these puzzles be completed? I enter the next open doorway and enter yet another place with books everywhere. I keep walking forward, as there's nowhere else to go anyway. 

Eventually, I notice that the wooden planks ahead of me seem to be torn away, leaving a gaping hole one could fall through with just one misstep. Careful to step around those, I make my way to a large bookcase with a ladder allowing me to climb over it. As I climb, I can hear the ladder creak with years of disuse, but I luckily make it over the bookcase and on the other side of it.

Ahead of me, my shadow forms once again. However, it seems to be pointing to something behind me this time. It seems really determined to get me to look, so I decide to brush my suspicions away and check behind me.

There, hidden in the darkness, is four other shadow-like creatures. Each one looks identical to the other, with no distinctive features to tell them apart. Unlike my shadow, they seem to be needlessly hostile, with no real thoughts in their non-existent brains besides murder.

Shadow Six motions towards me to use my lighter. Does it ward the creatures off? Following its example, I swung the lighter in front of me, at the shadow creatures. Almost in an instant, they dissipated at the light. Intrigued, I look back over to Shadow Six. Could I do that to them too?

Carefully, I move my lighter toward Shadow Six. Strangely, the light didn't seem to affect it in the slightest. What is this inconsistency? They're both shadow things, why does the light only work on specific ones?

However, the fact that I even attempted to kill them seemed to have annoyed it. With no hesitation, it snatches the lighter away from me and disappears with it. It seems I made yet another enemy today.

Ignoring the possible consequences of my actions, I decided continue forward in my search for my Y/N.

Unlikely Infatuation (Yandere!Six x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt