Broken Mirrors

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I place the last statue on the floor, relieved that the puzzle is over. Once all statues were in place, I heard the door to my right slowly open. Ahead of me lies more darkness, unfortunately. 

Taking out my newly acquired flashlight, I venture forward into the never-ending darkness. Up ahead, the flashlight shines itself upon a mirror that's seemingly broken. Glass shards were scattered all around it. I try to carefully step around the shards, wary of accidentally impaling my feet.

I wonder why the mirror's broken? Do I even want to know the answer?

I keep walking forward, as it's way too late to turn back now. The hallway is dusty, with boxes and curtains everywhere you look. However, none of this was as shocking as what was just up ahead. 

Turning a corner, I notice a light shining from inside a room. I carefully peek my head inside the room and saw something I never expected to see.

The Lady, with her mask now off, reveals her true face beneath. It's distorted and deformed, though it's not as bad as what I've seen before this. She's looking at a mirror, seemingly disgusted at what she sees in her own reflection. Knowing that she doesn't see me at the moment, I decided to sneak past and hope she doesn't see me.

I quickly crawl forward, trying to make myself as small as possible. However, there's something I failed to notice before. Some of the floorboards tend to creak when pressure is applied.

Before I could do anything about it, the noise alerted The Lady. In a fit of anger, she screams as loud as she could manage before the lights all turn off at once, the sound of the mirror breaking with it.

Now in total darkness, my flashlight doesn't seem to do much at all. However, it's still better than nothing, so I carry on. I'm going to die, aren't I? I'm going to die. I'm going to die and nobody will remember me.

I desperately try to stop my shaking hands. I've dealt with so much worse than this, so then why? Why am I so...afraid? I walk into the next room, warily looking everywhere I can in this darkness. Surrounding me in the shadows were mannequins, each of different sizes. None of them bear any sort of clothing, or features at all.

Haven't I dealt with mannequins enough by now? I try to ignore them, as they don't seem to be hostile for the moment. As I walk ahead, I see something move out of the corner of my eye. I frantically look to my left and see her. The Lady, with her mask back on, stared me down with an intense glare.

Then she suddenly disappeared into a shadowy mist with no trace left of her. Not wanting to stick around any longer, I rush out of the room with my thoughts all over the place. This is where my journey ends. This is it. This is where I die. I pause my thoughts for a moment. No, I...I need to be confident. I'm sure I can do this! I will survive, right?

The hallway starts to turn as I hesitantly go down it. I speed up my pace, still not daring to run in fear of alerting The Lady. A door to my right creaks open by itself, inviting me in. I decide to keep going forward, as I don't trust that in the slightest.

However, the hallway reaches a dead end. Seeing as there's nowhere else to go but that room, I turn back around.


I flinch upon hearing my name, expecting certain death. Who was in front of me, though, was not The Lady...or even Six for that matter.


"I-I found you, okay! We need to leave, now! S-she might find us!" I ponder over his words for a moment. "That lady with the white mask?"

"No, S-Six! I tried to stop her, I really did. B-but then she..." 


We both immediately go silent, looking toward the noise. "It sounded like something that room." Seven whispers to me and points over toward an open doorway, the one room I was desperately trying to avoid. 

"It has to be a trap, right? That door opened on its own, I don't trust it."

Seven shakes his head lightly. "T-there's nowhere else to go, though. If it's a trap, I-I'll save you! I swear!" Even in this terrifying situation, I find his enthusiasm amusing. Reminds me of Mono...

"Alright...I'll go first." I hesitantly lead the way into the room, not daring to look back.

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