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I close my eyes tight, trying to get the image out of my mind. She really followed me! I guess it's not that surprising. Considering rid of Mono, I'm probably next on her hit-list!

"Y/N! Quick, get off!" Seven shakes my shoulders, successfully getting me out of my fearful thoughts. There's a bright light to my left, and that's where the carts are heading. What's so wrong with-

Oh, that's not what I thought that light was. These carts were going towards a pit of fire this whole time. Seven jumps off the cart in a panic, and I quickly follow after him. We stumble onto the floor, which was the ceiling a bit ago. I sit there for a moment, relieved to be off of the carts, but also panicking for two different reasons. 

Not only did that fire pit almost kill us, but now I have Six to worry about. Wait, she was heading towards the carts, right? No, no, no, no!

I quickly stand back up and drag Seven towards wherever my body takes me. I just need to get away from Six. Now.

I keep running, and Seven, confused as he was, decided not to question me on my actions just yet. What was so scary about that person with a yellow raincoat? 

Unluckily for me, I reach a dead end. I was just about to panic even more, but by some miracle I notice a Nome running further into the room. Thanking whatever God was watching me at that moment, I start running after the Nome.

"Um...Why are running from that person? M-maybe they could help us?" I hear Seven question me. However, I doubt I could do enough justice to properly convey how terrifying that Mono murderer is.

"It's...a long story. We need to keep running!" I say, not feeling safe at the moment. She may even be directly behind us at this very moment!

I keep following the running Nome, hoping it will lead us to safety. However, me and Seven reach yet another dead end. The only thing of interest in the room is this suitcase laying on the ground. It's practically yelling "I'm important!"

I speed walk over to it, and drag it away from the wall. I saw the Nome go near here, so I'm hoping there's a hole in the wall or something. However, despite how hard I pull on it, I'm just a bit too weak for it.

Mumbling out insults towards the suitcase and cursing it's family for years to come, I look over towards Seven. He still seems confused by my sudden behavior. I guess it's understandable, I didn't really explain anything to him. I'll tell him later, when we're not currently running away from the killer in question.

I see some more Nomes come out from a corner of the room. Around 4 of them, I believe. They all look at each other for a moment, as if telepathically speaking. Then they walk towards the suitcase behind me. Curious, but still panicking about Six arriving any second, I step away from the suitcase.

All four of the Nomes use all of their little strength and pick up the suitcase. After a bit of struggle, they're able to set it aside, and reveal the hole in the wall. 

Aha! It seems I guessed correctly! Wasn't actually expecting that.

I carefully squeeze through the hole in the wall, and wait for Seven and the Nomes to arrive as well. Once we all have situated, I decide to take one for the team and attempt to pull the suitcase back to cover the hole. It should hold Six off for just a little bit longer.

Seven also tries to help, as the suitcase wouldn't budge with just me. Hurts my ego a bit, but that's fine.

Just before the suitcase covers the hole, I see Six finally arrive just in time. Unfortunately, she now knows where we are. Mistakes have been made, but I must keep running forward. She's way too close for my liking.

I stand up quickly, not caring if I make noise. She already knows we're here anyway, might as well. Despite the room we're currently in being dark, I make a break for it. I almost trip over some things on the ground, but I pay them no mind. I need to leave, now!

Seven desperately tries to catch up, turning on his flashlight as he runs behind me. I can finally see what's ahead of me, that's good.

Just as I find the exit of this dark room, I hear the suitcase being pulled.

Unlikely Infatuation (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now