A New Name

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Everything hurt. How hadn't I noticed my fingers slipping? By this point, my eyes still haven't opened, but I don't want to open them. I decide to sit in the comfort of the darkness for a few more moments. I don't want to move, in fear that I'll be in even more pain than I am now. I sat like this, not opening my eyes for the longest time...until I felt my body being shaken awake.

"H-hey, you're not dead, right?" I hear a voice coming from somewhere. Or is it from all around me? Reluctantly, I decide to open my eyes to see who's calling out to me. My vision went blurry for a long few moments, so I had to blink a few times to focus myself. Finally, I could actually see again.

In front of me stood the boy from before, worry all over his face. "Am I dead?" I ask him. He shakes his head before responding. "No. A-At least I don't think so. Are you dead? Maybe?" He then realizes something and looks at the floor, furrowing his brows. "No, I-I'm just overthinking things again. Can you stand?" 

I try to follow his advice and slowly sit up. Surprisingly, I'm not nowhere near the pain I thought I would be in once I moved. I start trying to stand, and it's like there was never pain to begin with. Okay, surely this isn't just dumb luck. Why am I not in pain anymore?

I sit with my own thoughts for a bit, before the answer hit me. Shadow Six. They helped me when me and Mono were badly injured, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're involved here too. I can't prove this theory or anything, but it seems likely. 

"You there?" I hear a voice cutting through my thoughts. I look up at the boy in front of me again. "You, uh, you seemed to be zoned out. I-I thought..." He looks to the side, feeling guilty. "You didn't do anything wrong. I was the one not paying attention." I respond to him, trying to reassure him.

"T-Thanks...um, I have a question." I nod my head for him to go on. "Are you trying to e-escape here too?" He finally finishes. Once again, I nod in confirmation. "Yeah, this is my first time trying to, though." He looks away, gripping his sleeves a bit. "This is my seventh time trying to escape. I-I'm sure I'll do it this time, though..." He mumbles out, uncomfortable.

"Wait, what's your name?" I ask him, in disbelief that I hadn't asked sooner. "O-Oh, right, um...I don't have a name..." He almost whispers that last part. "You don't have a name?" I ask, quite surprised at this. He doesn't respond, avoiding my gaze. 

"I'll call you Seven. You said it's your seventh time trying to escape right?" He lets out a small laugh. "Y-yeah. It is..." He thinks to himself for a moment. "Seven, huh? That's...a g-good name. Thank you." Now it's my turn to laugh. It's not the best name in the world, but if he likes it...I do too. 

"Right, I forgot. I'm Y/N. At your humble service!" I say, jokingly. "N-No, I don't need you to...do that for me. You're just fine the way you are." He looks around for a bit. "Say, um, how to we get out of here?" 

I look around too,  and I spot a doorway at the end of the room. It looks way too dark for my eyes to adjust to it, though. Despite this, I still point my finger over to it. "Oh, there's a way to leave over there. S-Sorry...I'm not helpful at all, am I?" He looks down, feeling bad again.

"No, you are helpful! Stop putting yourself down." I put my hand on his shoulder to further emphasize my point. He seemed to get very flustered at the sudden touch, but he quickly tried to compose himself. "Thank you...Y/N" He looks over to the door again. 

He notices that behind the door is extremely dark. To combat this, he digs into his pocket to find something. I take my hand off of his shoulder and curiously watch to see what he's doing. After a bit, his hand comes back out gripping a fully working flashlight. He turns it on, and it brightens up the room with little to no effort.

He turns to face the dark doorway, which is now brighter thanks to his flashlight. "A-Alright. Let's go!" He says, trying to give himself a boost of confidence.

After a moments hesitation, he decides to enter the door. I begin to follow, but then I hear something behind me. I turn to look, but I don't see anything. Then I see something move out of the corner of my eye. I finally get a good look at it, and it looks unlike anything I've ever seen before. It was very small, and it had a pointy head. It reminds me of a mushroom in some odd way. Before I could do or say anything, It notices me. It panicked and skittered off in a heartbeat.

"Hey, you coming?" I hear Seven say from the other room. "Oh, yeah! Coming!" I take off towards him, trying to catch up...though I'm still wondering what that small creature was....

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