9. Meeting the Amish

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I got up and we talked some." Just then the rhythmic clicking of Charley's walking gear sounded from the kitchen. He came in and said, "I got hot fresh biscuits for you on my bike."

Paul asked, "Didja make 'em yourself?"

"Nah, my mom," Charley admitted.

I asked, "Can you stay and have some with us?"

"Thought you'd never ask," Charley replied. "My mom said I could if you invited me."

I said, "You don't need an invitation here." While Paul was out getting the basket of biscuits Aunt Laura came down the stairs with Jack and Jimmy, and into the living room.

"Good morning, boys," Aunt Laura said.

"'Mornin', Aunt Laura," I said, "Charley's mom sent us hot fresh biscuits. She said he can stay for breakfast."

Aunt Laura said, "Charley, your mom and dad would be welcome to join us."

Charley replied, "Sometimes they like some time for just the two of them."

"Ah, very good," Aunt Laura said with a knowing look. Paul poked his head out of the doorway to the kitchen and asked, "Am I gonna hafta eat all these biscuits myself?"

Aunt Laura said, "We're coming, Paul. I'll fix some sausage and gravy. You boys set the table."

As Aunt Laura worked over the stove I asked, "Aunt Laura, can we go swimming this morning?"

Charley volunteered, "I'm sure my mom would come and watch us once my dad goes to the church office."

"That would be good, Charley," Aunt Laura said. "I'm the only grownup here today." She looked at the clock and said, "Around nine-thirty if that's all right."

"Can I call her and see?" Charley asked.

"Sure, Charley," Aunt Laura replied. Charley went to the phone, returned in a minute or so and said, "She said she'd be happy to and she'll bring my stuff with her."

We finished breakfast and cleanup quickly and were left with the hour before swimming could start. Paul whispered something into Charley's ear and he nodded and said, "Take it to the driveway." I figured out what was up but Jack and Jimmy were left to exchange puzzled looks. They followed Paul, Charley and me out to the yard, where Paul got onto Charley's trike and began steering it toward the garage and on up the drive as far as the curve.

"Me next!" Jack exclaimed.

"No, me!" Jimmy retorted.

"I called it first!" Jack hollered.

"Hey," I said, "you can both have a turn. You'll see, he won't ride it long. It's hard if you're not used to it."

Paul surprised all of us as he turned around, came back down and rounded the circle in front of the house. Then he did it all again as Jack shouted after him, "Hey, it's my turn!" Paul finally pulled in in front of us gathered in front of the garage and got off, saying, "That's hard."

"You're out of practice," Charley said. Jack started to get on it and Charley said, "Hey! Wait a minute!"

Jack said, "What?"

Charley said, "Did you ask if you can ride it?"

"Oh. Sorry," Jack said. "May I?"

"Say please," said Charley.

"Please," Jack said.

"Say pretty please," Charley said.

Jack, a bit exasperated, said, "Pretty please."

Me and CharleyWhere stories live. Discover now