𝟬𝟭𝟰 all the things she said

Start from the beginning

Nothing. Only people conversing with peers, mutuals, and friends. Nothing to feel unsafe about. Instead, it made Sam and Tara feel safer. Well, safer than they were.

When Sam's phone rang, Eden immediately felt nauseous. It was like her limbs had been torn off, she had been deprived of oxygen. Almost as if everything she had vanished in that moment. She couldn't handle any calls, nor texts. If she received a motivation, it would remind her of the person who had been messaging her. The person who teased Anika.

Eden couldn't talk about Anika. It pained her chest when she remembered that her best friend was dead. It hurt Eden even more when she realized that Anika was never going to grow up. The pain in Eden's chest would come back to bite her when she moved past Anika's death for a split second.

Imagining this scenario with Anika made Eden feel better. Her best friend would be sitting next to her, probably holding Mindy's hand. Anika would be laughing about something with Eden (probably something Ethan was doing). She'd be here.

Reality then hit Eden. It was as if the ghost of Anika had vanished. Gone to dust. She just disappeared. Eden then had to face the truth. Anika Kayoko was dead and she wasn't coming back. Somebody Eden trusts killed her. Killed her and didn't feel any remorse.

"You okay?" Ethan whispered quietly, noticing how Eden slightly tensed up. "Eden?"

Eden fixed her jacket. "Yeah, I'm fine." She muttered, twirling her hair with one of her fingers. Old habits were coming back. The old Eden was slowly coming back.

Not the one she wanted, though.

"We can leave, Eden. I can tell that you—"

"I'm fine." Eden harshly replied, slumping back against the wall to the vehicle. The girl silenced herself once Sam accepted the phone call.

"You're gonna die, you know." The Carpenter woman hissed, checking to see if anybody in the park seemed suspicious.

Shortly, the group earned a response. "No, you're gonna die, Samantha! Choking on your own blood while I hack up your sister." The killer seethed, voice loud and clear.

Tara furrowed her eyebrows while she examined hee sister. "Unless we find you first." Sam shot back.

"For a mastermind, you're not very smart. Waiting for me to call, desperately hoping I'm nearby so the police can grab me? But I'm not nearby. I'm a step ahead." They explained, they let out a sound that was resembling a sinister laugh.

"Be seeing you, Samantha."

The call disconnected.

"Did you get it?" Sam asked Kirby, looking down at her cellphone.

Kirby nodded. "Yep. Geolocation coming through right now." The Reed agent replied, pressing random keys to her laptop. The woman's eyebrows furrowed once she received the location.

Eden sat up slowly, eyes filling with worry. "What is it?"

"He's on the Upper West Side." Kirby admitted, a puzzled look plastered on her face. This wasn't how she thought the plan was going to work. Not at all. "He's in an apartment building halfway across the city." Kirby informed everybody.

Exile, Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now