𝟬𝟬𝟳 what a shame she went mad

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          EDEN'S EYES WIDENED as she stared at the text message, her fingers hovering over her keyboard to her cellphone. Anika was peering over Eden's shoulder, chewing on her bottom lip.

She didn't understand. Eden couldn't grasp the concept of this message. Why did they text her? Texting Eden was pretty much useless. Well, besides the fact that she would obviously tell all of her friends what was happening.

Don't you want to know what happens
next in our little game, Eden?

Anika started to anxiously fiddle with her white strands of hair while she examined the phone. "Eden, you aren't going to reply, right?" Anika gaped at Eden once the Miller girl began to type a response. "Come on, Edie, that's stupid!" Anika stressed.

"Wait," Eden hissed, not trying to seem rude. "Just watch." The girl whispered to Anika, the three bubbles suddenly appearing, signaling that the other person was typing.

Then, the bubbles abruptly disappeared.

You want me to play a game, huh?

The bubbles finally appeared again. This made both Eden and Anika furrow their eyebrows. The two girls anxiously waited for a message, unprepared of the response.

Yes, I do. Would your friend like to join?

Eden looked at both her and Anika's surrounding, lips parted as her fingers hovered over her keyboard once again. Anika's face was filled with worry as she shared a look with Eden, begging of the girl to not answer the text.

Yeah, go fuck yourself.

Anika sucked in a breath, anxiously waiting for a reply. "Eden, why would you do that? That could be the killer—"

"It's fine, Ani." Eden whispered to her friend. "Let's just go." The Miller girl added on, noticing how white Anika's face had gotten. "It's okay, Anika. Let's just go meet up with the others."

Just as Anika nodded, Eden's phone buzzed. An uneasy shudder left both her snd Anika's lips once they looked at the message. A sickening, bone-chilling message. A message that would haunt Eden's dreams.

Don't you want to know who's next, Eden?

A gust of wind abruptly hit Eden, sending chills down her spine. The girl looked around, checking to see if anybody was staring at either her or Anika. Nobody. Just pedestrians, conversing with other people on the streets. Or people sharing a drink.

"Anika, let's go." Eden told the girl, letting out a shaky sigh.

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